eBay items won't sell


Registered Member
Oct 24, 2009
Reaction score
I can't seem to sell my items on eBay. I'm not sure if it's the shipping charge, items themselves or what. I'm sure other people on here have asked this, but I was hoping someone can review my items both current and completed and tell me what I'm doing wrong. My account name on eBay is (EDIT:Wouldn't share your ebay name here), if anyone wants to go through my completed listings and tell me what I'm doing wrong, because I haven't got a clue. Please don't think that I'm spamming my eBay account on here for people to buy my items because I'm NOT! I would just like someone to review my listings if they can and share ideas of what I should do. Now, I've already sold a few things: a couple TVs, some books, piece of audio equipment, etc. But, most of my items go unsold with a few or no watchers. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears. Thanks
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Yeah, a lot of things that people aren't in desperate need of you'll rarely see a sale on.
Looks like they edited my ebay account name out. So if you want to review my listings to see what I'm doing wrong, just send me a PM. I would really appreciate it. Thanks.
You're lucky. Everytime I try to sell it some scammer outbids then wants to send a check for over and have me send back the remainder. Its about super annoying.
my 2c: proper description, start from 0.99USD and check the similar bids in advance.
not sure on the standard duration of bids, but where I am it's 10 days - plan to make sure that your target audience is in front of their computers by the time the thing ends (aka don't let it finish Sunday night or something like that).

as wow said, it's full of scammers and as much as I hate it, maybe Paypal is a safer route for expensive items. if you were in EU Moneybookers would be an alternative as well.