Dropshipping: 1product website or full store


Dec 15, 2019
Reaction score
Hello All,
New here, been struggling a bit with dropshipping, did my first store as "1 product website" but was a failure (obviously haha)

my question is: what do you think works better, full store, or 1 product website? based on your experience please.

many thanks in advance guys
I think if the product is good quality and there is a demand for it and you have a badass website design with valuable content it doesn't matter if it's 1 product or 100. It's how you market it.
A single product is better if you really want to OEM the product as your own brand and will be reselling a single item in bulk. However, the full store works better even if it offers under the same niche with many products to select from.
It doesn't matter. You're focussing on the wrong things.

Because when i think about it for myseld as a buyer, why would i leave a big online store or amazon, to buy from a 1 page website?! i feel this is something that drags people away from you... or not!
this is something that drags people away from you

Because not everything sells on Amazon and not every product is prime quality on Amazon. Regardless though, one product store or not, it's not something you should focus on.
A single product is better if you really want to OEM the product as your own brand and will be reselling a single item in bulk. However, the full store works better even if it offers under the same niche with many products to select from.

Got you, but the OEM a product i need to start by manufacturing certain quantity, which i dont wanna start with. i was thinking of pure dropshipping, no manufacturing no stocking...
Because not everything sells on Amazon and not every product is prime quality on Amazon. Regardless though, one product store or not, it's not something you should focus on.
Thanks! appreciated. i guess i should do more homework.
A single product store can be good to test what works for your customers and what not, then just use your winner products in your main big store.
Usually, people run a store with multiple products, and once they've identified their winners and the best advertising strategy for it, they move the product to a one-page store with more details and selling arguments in order to scale everything.
One product is good if it already has been tested and proven with data.

It's much better to have a niche with various products to test. You can create single product when ready to scale. But at least you have a foundation store to test more products
While most retailers sell more than just one product, a massive catalog is not a prerequisite for success—especially in ecommerce. In fact, selling a single product can be an advantage. Without the distractions of building, managing, and marketing multiple products, you can focus on innovation, iteration, and making your product better than any other on the market.
A single product is better if you really want to OEM the product as your own brand and will be reselling a single item in bulk. However, the full store works better even if it offers under the same niche with many products to select from.
Agreed with @FamousPR
Im looking at products now and considering just 1. why? Its easier.
Im completely new to selling and if im testing ads, well i can put $1,000 test on one product and really see a lot of different feedback, or split it up between 10 products or the general niche, and not really dial anything in.
Also I can buy a lot of the product so I can fulfill it fast. no dropshipping wait for orders, cant do that if i have to buy 1000s of stock.
Lastly, IDK, I feel 1 product will help build my brand maybe. If its a private label. Then as my brand is grown and im trusted by customers, I can expand the offerings in the niche.

Maybe im just justifying my decision to go 1 product lol but makes sense to me so far.
at first make general store and test your product. after finding winnig product make one product store
can someone actually give us an example of a 1 product store that is successful please? that might be very helpful..