Does Parasite + Cpa work?


Jul 26, 2020
Reaction score
I've recently been learning more and more about Parasite seo but I wanted to know everyone's thoughts on Parasites + Cpa.
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Parasites like medium and reddit will index on their own. For others, just throw some cheap links at them.
There are plenty of guides here on parasite ranking.
parasites work well with CPA and also affiliate offers.
Keep in mind some parasites have filters that flag content such as adult, pharma and gambling.
Yes, but you would be better served by linking from parasite to your money site.
make the content more “family friendly” and avoid using words that would cause them to flag the content
So, the first step is prolly to identify what those words are, I mean if you're operating in the health / diet niche specially, very hard to not use the words to get your point across

Anyways, do you think affiliate links play a role as well, if so, how would you mask them ?
Which parasite is good?
How to use reddit as a parasite? Should I create a new sub-reddit?