Do you guys think web design is saturated?

Competitive? Surely.
Saturated? Mmeh...

The low-end market is a tad saturated by hundreds of thousands of people with service quality comparable to rubbish.

The high-end market of people/agencies that offer actually beautiful designs with top-notch technical side is much less competitive than most think.
I can say, that most of the sites that are created and based on Wordpress, in the end they all end up being the same, same design, same functions, etc etc.
Competitive? Surely.
Saturated? Mmeh...

The low-end market is a tad saturated by hundreds of thousands of people with service quality comparable to rubbish.

The high-end market of people/agencies that offer actually beautiful designs with top-notch technical side is much less competitive than most think.
High end market are you talking about custom coded sites or does it also include Wordpress?
High end market are you talking about custom coded sites or does it also include Wordpress?
Includes WordPress.

WP at that point is only used as a good pre-existing backend that is very easy to use for non-tech people.
Custom themes/front.
There are millions of new companies starting each year and most of them are going to need a website. Focus on learning sales and you will make a fortune with simple and fast to build WordPress websites.
not it not saturated
Nothing is saturated if you know what you're doing. Offer better services at competitive prices and you've got yourself a market.
Not only saturated over saturated, I read somewhere or saw a video that people are buying sites on fiverr now a days for 40$, it's crazy saturated.
I know I know every eguru will tell you quality designs can sell at even at 10k.
No, definitely not saturated. This industry still has a lot of potential and i hope to see more talented web designers around. There is so much room for improvement for many companies, even here on BHW.
No, definitely not saturated. This industry still has a lot of potential and i hope to see more talented web designers around. There is so much room for improvement for many companies, even here on BHW.
Yes, it's saturated if you are one of those people who install WordPress, install a theme and some plugins and think you are now a web designer.
Client acquisition is quite difficult these days - I pass.
If you are skilled in something you will get succeed no matter how hard it is.
There are so many people still doing it successfully because of their skills.
Website design is dead unless you live rural, or you have the ability to convert the business site though rapid production and change on the whim and convert it into any language while giving the owner a brief guide how to login as administrator, and offer what backend services they want.

And where talking fast, if not well your obsolete.

However the wording sounds belittling and I'm not aware of ops life situations on where they want to go, so I don't mean to sound discouraging but just like niches, every location has opportunities even Andrew Tate knew how to exploit Romanian cartel style only fans service(now no one dares to mention it) so bubbles come and go.
For guys doing web design here BHW do you guys think this service is saturated?
Want to know the forum's opinion on web design and web development.

Nothing is saturated, especially with the launch of full site editor themes by WordPress, there is a huge demand for new developers.
I think this industry still has a lot of potential and i hope to see more talented web designers around.