Day1 - CPA + Squidoo

Just a quick question... when you say free offers from CPA's are you talking about email/zip offers? I can only assume so right?
come on man this is whitehat.....cant you tell the difference??

You do know what the the B in BHW stands for right?

Anyone with half a brain would obviously take efforts to scale this method. And guess what? Scaling on Squidoo increases your ban risk!

Hence why it is important to get a general idea of how many lenses are safe to create per account....
Dam, your method works really well. I had a diet page that was made about 4 days ago. I had the not indexed or still in draft. I searched all my ccompetion for their keywords and 4 hours later boom I'm now 5,000 in health or 49,000 overall!!

I have a killer method to share you guys...make a poll and in each vote word make those hyperlinks to your CPA products. When they vote the link text will very powerful money links. I read that somewhere and it's a dam good way to generate more coin. Give it a try!
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I have a killer method to share you guys...make a poll and in each vote word make those hyperlinks to your CPA products. When they vote the link text will very powerful money links. I read that somewhere and it's a dam good way to generate more coin. Give it a try!

Are you talking about making a poll on a squidoo page or just a poll website in general?
I'm talking about making a regular squidoo lens then embeding the CPA links in the title of each selection for the poll. So lets say we had a video game lens, we would then create a poll that says. Which system is better? WII (CPA Link in here) PS3 (CPA Link in here) etc etc. The poll will look like a regular type but just each selection is now hyperlinked. Look for the poll moduale and use this html for each poll input.

<a href="http://www.cpalinkhere">WII</a>

It's just another method that can now generate more $$!

Tonight I'm going to make some of these lenses and see how it goes.... again when you say use free cpa offers we're talking about email types right? I mean there's nothing free so I figure this is what you're talking about.
Now time for tag research to get some traffic..... go and search for lense similar to yours.... and literally copy all of their tags (if they are all relevent).... Eventually this will mean that your lense will appear on other peoples lenses in the 'explore related pages section' meaning you get good traffic for free....

Wow golden tip right here! I have a few lenses in various niches, guess I'd go back to them and tweak them a bit :cool:
Thanks for tip Lewi... Read to Jan 2nd... As with any method, I guess if you don't pick the right niche you won't make a penny / dime. I'm thinking its a good idea and worth playing around with... cheers amigo
Great thread Lewi.

I am going to try this soon.

I have kinda a gift for Lewi and BHW for you folks using Squidoo with Lewi's plan will help make it easier. Its free and its a tool to put making your Squidoo tags on auto pilot. Check it out.

Lewi if you appreciate my contribution gimme a free copy of your ebook, or better yet optiize my first lens.
That's a great tool itrader2. Saves me time every day.
Great method, I setup a lense about a week ago and got my first commission off of it today, thanks lewi. Time to replicate now that I know the possibilities are there.
Great post Lewi. Thanks. I have been using Squidoo to promote affiliate products. I set up my first Squidoo lens last summer with an affiliate product. It only took me about 2-3 hours to setup with good SEO optimized content. The lens made me an average of $250 a month for 5 months straight without any additional work. The income seems to have tapered off now. So, I just made some major changes to the lens and implemented your tag copying process a couple days ago. I'm also planning on trying this with CPA offers which I agree should work much better than affiliate products. Time to rinse and repeat! I'll keep you posted.
What happen to all of you that said you will keep us posted. I would really like to know how you are doing, as I am getting very frustrated with my squid. It is in the goverment grant niche. I was ranked as high as 500 once but still got no clicks. Would love some feedback.
What happen to all of you that said you will keep us posted. I would really like to know how you are doing, as I am getting very frustrated with my squid. It is in the goverment grant niche. I was ranked as high as 500 once but still got no clicks. Would love some feedback.

wow this thread is old LOL
im now making extra good bank with this :)

even have a proper 15 page ebook about it too
i looked up some lens that had very small ratings to get their tags but i couldn't find them on their site.

matter of fact i couldn't find any on all i checked. am i missing where they are or do they just not show them on some?

ive got about 15 world of warcraft lens and a couple get about 10 visits a day but i'm just not getting any money yet. so far i've got about 3.50 and they have been up along time.

anyway how do i view tags? thanks.
yea, squidoo is a beautiful route to use with your CPA stuff. and they get some luv from google too. dont forget those keywords. come to think about it, this thread has spurned me to pull up those old files and check on them old lenses of mine.
Thanks for the great tips man, will add to implementation.
Posted via Mobile Device
This is a great post. I read this about a week ago, set up 10 Squidoo lenses, and have made about $20 so far on CPA offers. Thanks!