Copyright infringement

like said it all over forget it move on .

next time be more carefull with content .

unless you like trouble .

lucky you didnt get sued
Update: Contacted the three companies which reported me:

Company 1: Rejected to withdraw the claim.
Company 2: Sent a request to Facebook to look into it (50/50 chance it will work)
Company 3: Retracted the copyright claim so my account will be restored :)
Update: Contacted the three companies which reported me:

Company 1: Rejected to withdraw the claim.
Company 2: Sent a request to Facebook to look into it (50/50 chance it will work)
Company 3: Retracted the copyright claim so my account will be restored :)

1. Where is this company located? As mentioned previously, they have no way of physically reaching you. THe next best thing would be service by publications, but that will cost them a pretty penny, so it is somewhat dependent on how far they are willing to go. If you're nervous, make them a settlement offer. The worst they can do is say no.

2. Okay, so FaceBook will most likely stay out of it unless they are joinded to the case, in which case if that happens, buckle up, take out a payday loan and get an attorney.

3. Congratulations! One down.
1. Where is this company located? As mentioned previously, they have no way of physically reaching you. THe next best thing would be service by publications, but that will cost them a pretty penny, so it is somewhat dependent on how far they are willing to go. If you're nervous, make them a settlement offer. The worst they can do is say no.

2. Okay, so FaceBook will most likely stay out of it unless they are joinded to the case, in which case if that happens, buckle up, take out a payday loan and get an attorney.

3. Congratulations! One down.

1. The company is located in the US. Told them the whole story but they said they took appropriate steps to protect its rights. I can send an counter notification but it's very risky. Basically it's a lottery. I give all my details including name, address, postal code and number. If they don't sue me within 14 days the content will be restored.

2. I told this company that I wasnt the one uploading the video and it was all a mistake by Facebook, so this guy mailed FB and asked them for clarification lol. 50/50 chance that this will work.
Basically what Facebook does:

First time: Warning
Second time: 3 days ban
Third time: permanent ban

As I retracted one report, it simply means I have one more chance on FB. As long as I avoid copyright claims in the future I'm fine.