Can we dicrease spam score?


Nov 30, 2020
Reaction score
Hi everyone,

I found some cool domains but their spam score very high. how can i decrease or can i discrease s.s?
What's the %?

1% - 30% = Low Spam Score

Once you get (if you get spam domain) try removing bad links.

Use normal hyperlinks text.

Add real valuable posts/pages - Contact Us - Privacy - Linkedin etc, etc...

Get some solid backlinks, and just do normal things, it will take some time but it will get reduced.
I reduced ss with backlinks, just say to your link provider to find possible placements with low ss, and that's it, after few weeks ss will go down
You should ignore it instead, it's complete trash,
If you want clean domain(s), do check its history via the Wayback machine, the backlink profile using ahrefs, any sudden traffic drop while the website is alive (to avoid penalized domains), that's all you need for real
There are plenty of well-ranking websites with decent link profiles that do have a high Spam score and vice-versa
Spam score means nothing, Google will already be ignoring 99% of the spammy links.
You need to disavow spammy links to reduce spam score. I should warn you that some of these domains might be having Google penalty.
To reduce spam score by removing spam links and get quality backlinks for your website.
Steps to lower your spam score ,
  • Create a text version.
  • Avoid usage of spam sensitive words and phrases.
  • Use normal text inside hyperlinks, instead of the URL.
  • Use a proper from address.
  • Use a proper subject line.
  • Avoid HTML errors, unsupported techniques, obscure content, obfuscation.
  • Images.
  • HTML.
See :
It shows you more details about above steps .

Hope this Helps !
Yeah, You can reduce the spam score. Just remove all Spam sites and get more high quality backlinks to your site. You can see the changes. poison keyword, unauthorized site are the main things will increase your spam score. Just simply disavow them.
Hm... I'm interested on this topic but can't find solid knowledge or proven way / tools to avoid being marked as spam.
I hope someone enlighten
Spam score isn't always reliable.
Do your due diligence by digging up its history from the archive.
Only way to reduce your spam score is by removing spam links and get the quality backlinks for your site..
There are 3 ways of doing that:
1 - remove bad links (if they are are truly bad)
2 - use paint. It comes with every windows install.
3- forget about it.
my only way to reduce ss is adding content. it works in all my domain
like others already mentioned the spam score means nothing and is total garbage.
aside of that fact, also google doesnt care about it, they have their own (completely different) metrics.
Why worry about spam scores? They don't have any effect on modern link building. But if you are still worrying about it, try to remove or disavow bad links
Hi everyone,

I found some cool domains but their spam score very high. how can i decrease or can i discrease s.s?
A Spam Score up to 30% is considered a low score.
You can reduce spam score by avoiding using spam-sensitive words or phrases, using proper from address and subject lines, preferring ordinary tests in hyperlinks over URLs, using supportive techniques and avoiding HTML errors, removing unwanted HTML, and using suitable images names.
Avoid HTML errors, unsupported techniques, obscure content, obfuscation.
For the best delivery results, it is advised to lower your spam score as much as possible. Getting a spam score lower than 1 is fairly easy to accomplish (unless your email is about products for certain body part increment or about gambling with large revenues).
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