can i use something else besides photoshop to make themes for wordpress?


Registered Member
Oct 26, 2011
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i need some other kind of software besides photoshop to make themes does anyone know of any other software besides photoshop i can use to create themes?
you can use "artisteer"
I think that its the best one
that program sucks bro i already tried it do u know any other programs thats like photoshop but even better?
DreamWeaver. Never used it myself but if im thinking of the right program its made to do this.
Usually, unless I've made a theme which I'm going to sell (I use Dreamweaver, it can do php), I just toy around with code to set different colors and maybe put in my own header.
There are some good WYSIWYG editors out there too. It's not the same as actually making the theme but it has the intended effect.
Besides Photoshop? Hmm, try In case if you wanna create some graphical cool-looking 3D elements, you should check out

Don't ask my for the nulled versions, both programs above are freeware :)
It's not something I do myself, but friends who make their own themes swear by a WYSIWYG editor called Elastic. As far as I have heard, it's very user-friendly and creates professional-looking themes. This is just my two cents, as some of the people here will be more experienced than me in this area.

OK, so technically it's not making the theme yourself, but there is a lot you can do with it, and you get feedback as you go along. I guess it depends on exactly what you're looking for, but you have a few options now at least.
Why wouldn't you use Photoshop? It's the best program out there for making graphical layouts.

Can you explain to us why you don't want to use PS?
headway 3.0 with 3.0 you literally draw your theme on screen...completely revamped as of last week...pretty cool stuff
headway 3.0 with 3.0 you literally draw your theme on screen...completely revamped as of last week...pretty cool stuff

Ya I saw that, from what I see it looks awesome. Think I might have to buy it, but was hoping it would pop up on here.
I could not ask anything for more from Photoshop and until now I learn new things from it. But if you're still not satisfied with it, you have many other suggestions that you could found in the net and one of them is GIMP. I think its the biggest competitor of Photoshop.
I am using IrfanView as alternative of Photoshop. It is also a good image editor and working fine for me.
Ya I saw that, from what I see it looks awesome. Think I might have to buy it, but was hoping it would pop up on here.

revamped apparently doesnt mean better...the more I have played with it ...the more I think headway 3.0 now sux...with headway 2.0 I can literally build a theme in minutes ,,,,they have lost sight over there at headway themes.....I think the drawing on the screen took them away from what they had with 2.0......
ILL try and find some time here to figure out an upload spot....and put up the latest 3.0 for you guys to try for yourselves
Well, as a matter of fact. You can't use photoshop for creating wordpress themes. You need to use a text editor, it can be (Dreamweaver, Aptana, Notepad++) your choice. I would suggest aptana since it is free. And way much better to edit php file compared to dreamweaver.
I use FireWorks, it's main purpose (in combination with DreamWeaver) is dealing with graphic for web (html slicing) pages and it's way better tool for this job than PhotoShop.
Another +1 for dreamweaver...You should be able to use it to create wordpress themes....I've never used it for that, I have always just made HTML pages from scratch for my sites.

You are "supposed" to pay for it, its an Adobe product, but if you know where to look you'll get it for free...I have never paid for it.
