Can i make a blog on mobile?


Registered Member
Apr 15, 2023
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Hey Guys I was wondering if I could make a blog on mobile I have seen the WordPress app on playstore/appstore but I don't know if that's good enough

(My English is not the best and I can't explain very well)
Yes, can make blogging platforms and apps designed for mobiles.
Hey Guys I was wondering if I could make a blog on mobile I have seen the WordPress app on playstore/appstore but I don't know if that's good enough

(My English is not the best and I can't explain very well)
Yes you can I’ve created multiple websites that have ranked in google from my mobile phone. Just using Wordpress in safari. I find it to be faster tbh as I’m always on my iPhone.
No problem, ranking refers to the position of a website in SERPs.
Hey Guys I was wondering if I could make a blog on mobile I have seen the WordPress app on playstore/appstore but I don't know if that's good enough

(My English is not the best and I can't explain very well)

Yes, you can do that for sure :)
WordPress has a native app as well!
You definitely can. But it will be time consuming if you regularly write and update content on your own.
Hi @NoLifer of course you can create a wordpress blog / website using your mobile device. However operating it from a small device like smartphone is very tedious. It will give too much stress on your eyes and it is not that comfortable to use too. Instead, consider operating it from a desktop or a laptop.

You asked about health and fitness niche. It is a good niche but one of the saturated niches on the internet. It is very tough to rank your keywords and pages for topics in this niche as there is already a very tough competition.

Instead, you should consider any micro-niche to start a blog.
I think no its very difficult to manage an blog from mobile because there is too many thing to successful your blog and drive traffic on it.
It's totally possile but it's gonna be harder than on a PC.
Hi @NoLifer of course you can create a wordpress blog / website using your mobile device. However operating it from a small device like smartphone is very tedious. It will give too much stress on your eyes and it is not that comfortable to use too. Instead, consider operating it from a desktop or a laptop.

You asked about health and fitness niche. It is a good niche but one of the saturated niches on the internet. It is very tough to rank your keywords and pages for topics in this niche as there is already a very tough competition.

Instead, you should consider any micro-niche to start a blog.
Hey sorry to ask but what are micro-niches?
Yes you can do it on Mobile or Desktop. You can choose!
Yes, you can use it on mobile or desktop but mobile will be a bit difficult, my preferred desktop is a better option.