Can anyone explain this regarding plagiarism


Regular Member
Aug 12, 2015
Reaction score

I am still fairly new to writing/blogging.
Recently got ahrefs membership and learning keyword research and stuff.

The situation I ran into is like this...

I was searching for some keywords and was checking the top 1 site for that in ahref. Read the article and got an idea for an article. Curiously I looked up the whole paragraph of the new idea to 1text for plagiarism and it said that complete para is copied from totally different websites.

My question is whether Google penalizes for this behavior..? The searched keyword is not the main keyword in the para but it relates.
It could be the author copied it, could be copy scape passed it, and yes google doesn’t like copied content but then again many time sites do rank on top using copied content but I would not advise doing this
Check the same article with copyscape or smallseotools, and see if it passes. 1text is aggressive in its plagiarism checks.
Check the same article with copyscape or smallseotools, and see if it passes. 1text is aggressive in its plagiarism checks.

You are right about 1text, after detecting the original source, 1text has the habit of detecting words / phrases that are not even in the original article which in return increases the plagiarism score.
It could be the other way around. Many tend to copy paragraphs from the first few ranked pages and use them on their own platforms. Even I used to do it back then lol.
Similar to what I saw in 1text... :suspicious:
The other sites could have copied from the ranked site. Moreover, Google is going lenient on copied text to combat spun content. Nowadays, copying one sentence from each top ranking article can get you ranked. I saw a few articles ranking solely by copying sentences from multiple Wikipedia articles.
Google does penalize plagiarism, yes, but some websites manage to simply power through the penalties and rank high. Don’t try to replicate their success. It’s a combination of gigantic marketing expenditures, old fame, and a huge customer base. The big search engines simply give them a light slap (if any) and turn a blind eye. Money is money.
That being said, 1text does sometimes detect plagiarism where there isn’t any. So, the site in question may not be using someone else’s content at all.