Book that Changed You?


Regular Member
Jun 21, 2011
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Hi, So I just finished reading a book ( training my mind) and found it very inspiring. It circles around a bank robber who later becomes a good lawyer.

This has not really changed my life but I am searching for some more books and want to know which books have had an impact on your life? I will start..

The book titled,

Law Man: My Story of Robbing Banks, Winning Supreme Court Cases, and Finding Redemption
I know it more than one, but here are 5 books that I reckon everyone should read

Think and grow rich. Napoleon Hill
How to win friends and influence people. Dale Carnegie
7 Habit of highly effective people. Steven Covey
How to think like leaonardo divinci. Michael Gelb

and for business

E-myth. Michael E. Gerber
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. I have read it many times throughout my life and I still look to it when I need some inspiration.
I don't have the attention span to read.

Movies > books.

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I prefer fiction, I'm not really into the so called motivational self development books. I've enjoyed reading The Alchemist, over and over again. Then I like reading Robert Ludlum, gives me strength.

Book that changed me? Facebook. Made me fucking non productive and made me look at wasting time a fun thing to do.
Always Running by Luis Rodriguez

My english teacher let me borrow it in 9th grade. Changed my life. Helped me look at life and the world from a different perspective. I always say, one day i'll go and visit my favorite teachers from middle school and hs. One day.
Think and Grow Rich. Highly recommend it and its widely acclaimed.

Think and Grow Rich should be REQUIRED READING before doing any kind of business...Hell, anybody should read that book. It is the granddaddy of all self-help books and written by somebody who spent more than 20 years working with the richest people in the country to determine their methods to becoming rich.
You can Win by Shiv Khera. It changed the way I used to think. Now-a-days I look back into my previous life and have a laugh, thanks to this book :)
Books that changed my life:
I know it more than one, but here are 5 books that I reckon everyone should read

Think and grow rich. Napoleon Hill
How to win friends and influence people. Dale Carnegie
7 Habit of highly effective people. Steven Covey
How to think like leaonardo divinci. Michael Gelb

and for business

E-myth. Michael E. Gerber

really nice list man, should need to read everyone :)

First I sold FB pva accounts, then FB accounts with 5K friends, then I started to sell FB ads accounts. And now finally I am into FB ads myself.
