Biggest thing that keeps you poor #1


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Jun 25, 2021
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Starting to sound like alex becker, but i do want to have a serious discussion and everyone can share their experiences.
The number one thing that keeps you poor and ruins your future - is subscription based services. Re-occurring payments.

Netflix, audible, dollarshaveclub, lootboxes, photoshop, spotify. Everything that was once a 1 time buy has become a monthly service.
You could afford to squander money some times, on the famous "5$ avocado toast" or some other expense where you got played ONCE.

The real problem begins when your budget gets VAMPIRIZED and SLASHED PERMANENTLY. Thats like playing diablo II and getting a permanent -20 to vitality.

If you tell anyone from east europe that you pay monthly for spotify, so you can have a playlist of songs (like you are too retarded to make a playlist on your own?)
We grew up collecting music, movies and games. We put it on a removable HDD. We can use it anytime, anywhere, in the forest, in a cabin, even without electricity or internet. Its mine. No one can take it from me. no one can delete it or forbid me to use it.

The worst part is most of these sub services are pretty much useless, or you end up paying more for things you dont need and throw away.
Thats a big problem with america. Paying more for things you dont need and throw away.

I dont even have a phone plan. I have a voucher. If i had a phone plan i would have ended up paying 150$ a year...for a phone i barely use ever.
imagine flushing 150$ down the drain. Would you give me 150$ a year?

so if you want to make it in life...stop paying for sub services.
The world is changing and we are going to pay for more services. In fact, in several years, we may not use products at all. We will not owe. Re will rent. Train your brain and get prepared for this.
The problem is not paying those things.

The problem is not generating enough revenue in your business where those things are negligible.

You can’t save your way to being successful. You have to produce.
thats how you think, but when you look at realistically.
you end up making 70k which should be A LOT
but somehow you end up with almost no money barely covering rent.

You think you should just be making more money
but all these services are so expensive they decimate people even making 70k
I mean, sub services, if you have like spotify like me, and also google drive and 1password that I use for work, it won't make any difference at the end of the month... People spend their money in other stupid stuff, more expensive and they don't make enough income. If you have a good income, I don't think a few dollars in those subscriptions for entertainment purposes or work, will make much of a difference in being poor / rich. You have to make income. It's pretty hard to get "RICH" and "SUCCESSFUL" just by saving it up.
thats how you think, but when you look at realistically.
you end up making 70k which should be A LOT
but somehow you end up with almost no money barely covering rent.

You think you should just be making more money
but all these services are so expensive they decimate people even making 70k

Netflix and Spotify isn’t decimating $70k.

You have a valid idea, which is reduce expenses.

Im all for that, I don’t have any services like that, but the reason I don’t is so I put that money into more investments. But something like a phone? You should have a phone. You should be investing in yourself and your company.

I just don’t think spending $100 / month makes people poor.

$70/k per year is peanuts. Thats less than what I make and I consider myself broke.

You gotta increase income that’s the number one goal.
A generous amount of time is also wasted in the process.
You can't get shit done without time.
Services like Netflix, Disney+ and Spotify save people money.

If I just bought the MCU Phase 1-3 collection, It would be more than 2 years of Disney+.

If I bought all the music I like, it would cost decades worth of Spotify premium costs.
Netflix and Spotify isn’t decimating $70k.

You have a valid idea, which is reduce expenses.

Im all for that, I don’t have any services like that, but the reason I don’t is so I put that money into more investments. But something like a phone? You should have a phone. You should be investing in yourself and your company.

I just don’t think spending $100 / month makes people poor.

$70/k per year is peanuts. Thats less than what I make and I consider myself broke.

You gotta increase income that’s the number one goal.
Services like Netflix, Disney+ and Spotify save people money.

If I just bought the MCU Phase 1-3 collection, It would be more than 2 years of Disney+.

If I bought all the music I like, it would cost decades worth of Spotify premium costs.
Listen to yourself people.
6 years ago 70k was a rich man's salary. Now you are saying you feel poor if you make that?
You kinda reach the limit of your abilities, whether you are a programmer, a designer or a handyman. You get better and get salary raises but you reach a point where you are making 80k max and its almost impossible to find and land a better paying job. so you get stuck making 80k.
Your expenses on the other hand you just let grow and grow and grow, decimating your salary MONTHLY. And its for things YOU DONT NEED!

So in your brain you reason "ahh those services are like nothing, i just need a higher paying job" WELL NO SWEETIE YOU CANT. You are not a plastic surgeon or a heart surgeon or some CEO that makes 300k a year. So when you reach your limit of money making, its time to cut the useless cancer expenses.

I did the math, and the average american wastes around 4200$ a year on all kinds of shitty services and phone plans.
That 4200$ could have gone for buying food or for investing.

I know the balla saying is "dont count pennis, just make more money until it doesnt matter!" but it no longer works when you hit the CEILING of how much money youre making. Because those "small" expenses are like a blood tax every month. They just keep coming and they never care if you lost your job or if you "need" to buy something.
I cant believe you justify wasting so much money on these services.
I dont think any of those services (esp adobe which has alternatives that are 1 time buys) will break any professionals bank. Tools of the trade are tools of the trade.

Entertainment like netflix is a cheap fix, 1 night out at the movies > netflix for a several months. Im not really following this thread at all tbh.

Also earnings have no cap, the only thing that is capped is time. The rest is up to you.
The world is changing and we are going to pay for more services. In fact, in several years, we may not use products at all. We will not owe. Re will rent. Train your brain and get prepared for this.
Speak for yourself, man. Personally, I won't rent a thing. You'll rather see me swiftly move to a non-fucked country where this communist bullshit won't be in place.

I know the balla saying is "dont count pennis, just make more money until it doesnt matter!" but it no longer works when you hit the CEILING of how much money youre making.
But there is no ceiling. When you hit the ceiling, you scale. If you can't scale, then... well, you go back to the drawing board until you come up with something that does scale.
It feels like you guys are arguing whether if making more or spending less is more important.
In fact, both are equally important.

If you’re spending uncontrollably, even if you start making a lot, your expenses will grow proportionatelly.
Fuck y'all who ramble around and don't try to make at least $50 an hour. I'll be honest with y'all who sell yourself short. You are bezos slaves.
It feels like you guys are arguing whether if making more or spending less is more important.
In fact, both are equally important.

If you’re spending uncontrollably, even if you start making a lot, your expenses will grow proportionatelly.
Unfortunately. I know retards who make 10 times more than an average wage ($10k in Eastern Europe) and they've burnt it all by buying clothes, alcohol and cocaine.
Speak for yourself, man. Personally, I won't rent a thing. You'll rather see me swiftly move to a non-fucked country where this communist bullshit won't be in place.

But there is no ceiling. When you hit the ceiling, you scale. If you can't scale, then... well, you go back to the drawing board until you come up with something that does scale.
Do you use internet? Is this a monthly fee? You actually rent it and they control what you access, when you can use it etc. Do you watch cable TV? Do you pay for electricity every month? Do have a car? Yes, maybe... Still.... One day you will not have a car because it will be better for you to rent a car when you need it. This is already available in my country and it is growing..... Etc etc. House? Do you own it or rent it? Yes you can still owe it...but 10 years ahead.... Your child etc you get the point. And all this will change drastically in 10 years when AI will be mass implemented.


We live in an interesting time.
Those services were not around when I grew up so I have no need for them. When I was young there were only 3 TV channels.

I purchased vinyl or a tape for music and hired a move from the video hire shop.

I’ve not tried all that stuff so don’t know what I’m missing. I do have a phone on sub but don’t have the latest fancy stuff because I don’t need it.