Starting to sound like alex becker, but i do want to have a serious discussion and everyone can share their experiences.
The number one thing that keeps you poor and ruins your future - is subscription based services. Re-occurring payments.
Netflix, audible, dollarshaveclub, lootboxes, photoshop, spotify. Everything that was once a 1 time buy has become a monthly service.
You could afford to squander money some times, on the famous "5$ avocado toast" or some other expense where you got played ONCE.
The real problem begins when your budget gets VAMPIRIZED and SLASHED PERMANENTLY. Thats like playing diablo II and getting a permanent -20 to vitality.
If you tell anyone from east europe that you pay monthly for spotify, so you can have a playlist of songs (like you are too retarded to make a playlist on your own?)
We grew up collecting music, movies and games. We put it on a removable HDD. We can use it anytime, anywhere, in the forest, in a cabin, even without electricity or internet. Its mine. No one can take it from me. no one can delete it or forbid me to use it.
The worst part is most of these sub services are pretty much useless, or you end up paying more for things you dont need and throw away.
Thats a big problem with america. Paying more for things you dont need and throw away.
I dont even have a phone plan. I have a voucher. If i had a phone plan i would have ended up paying 150$ a year...for a phone i barely use ever.
imagine flushing 150$ down the drain. Would you give me 150$ a year?
so if you want to make it in life...stop paying for sub services.
The number one thing that keeps you poor and ruins your future - is subscription based services. Re-occurring payments.
Netflix, audible, dollarshaveclub, lootboxes, photoshop, spotify. Everything that was once a 1 time buy has become a monthly service.
You could afford to squander money some times, on the famous "5$ avocado toast" or some other expense where you got played ONCE.
The real problem begins when your budget gets VAMPIRIZED and SLASHED PERMANENTLY. Thats like playing diablo II and getting a permanent -20 to vitality.
If you tell anyone from east europe that you pay monthly for spotify, so you can have a playlist of songs (like you are too retarded to make a playlist on your own?)
We grew up collecting music, movies and games. We put it on a removable HDD. We can use it anytime, anywhere, in the forest, in a cabin, even without electricity or internet. Its mine. No one can take it from me. no one can delete it or forbid me to use it.
The worst part is most of these sub services are pretty much useless, or you end up paying more for things you dont need and throw away.
Thats a big problem with america. Paying more for things you dont need and throw away.
I dont even have a phone plan. I have a voucher. If i had a phone plan i would have ended up paying 150$ a year...for a phone i barely use ever.
imagine flushing 150$ down the drain. Would you give me 150$ a year?
so if you want to make it in life...stop paying for sub services.