BHW: Make me a Lie


Junior Member
Sep 15, 2009
Reaction score
Long story short: I did SEO for this guy on Craigslist and he's really happy and he wants to continue the job (we made the deal to pay halfway through).
I'm 17, my parents don't know that I'm involved in IM or talking to a random stranger. I told him paypal at the beginning of the job and I just got this email:

"Hi Mike,
I have the money for you, if it is okay, I could send you a money order to your snail mail. Sorry, my credit card is maxed out.
Please give me an address and I will get it to you ASAP.
Sorry for the delay as I was away and then right back to a busy work schedule."

I really don't want to give him my address at the risk of him creeping/my parents finding out/etc. I need a lie or a good return email. We could go the route of waiting till the credit card "unmaxes" (maxed out: what does this exactly mean? ), use bank account, use a different credit card. Just remember I need a lie to explain why I can't give him my address.

Say you share a flat with your room-mate and he's always nicking your mail.

Give him your bank account number if you have one.
Don't do it. You want to do work with people who are financially sound otherwise you will get scammed. A monkey can get a paypal account, but if he can't then he is in no position to hire work.
I would be straight with the guy. If you have done a good job, which it sounds like you have then who cares that you are 17. Get him onside and he will probably work with you and pay the money into Paypal or your bank account when he can.
There is a limit to credit cards, so he cannot use anymore.

If I were you, I'd just tell him the address.

What can go wrong?
Prehaps he's on this board and read that..

Maybe I'm him.
Posted via Mobile Device
Make him send a check to a friend and give him 10%?
Tell your parents about your good job and show them how you are envolved and what you learned? You are 17 for god sake lol. Imagine the face of mine when 2 representent of gazprom came home lol
Get a PO box?
Wait ans ask him to pay you via WU? Money Bookers? Liberty reserve?
Looks like he is trying to scam you. Money orders are usually not a good idea in my opinion.
No need to lie.

Tell him to go to the nearest store, purchase a greendot, or any other prepaid gift card with a visa/mastercard/amex logo on it.

Have him use that to pay you via paypal.

He has no excuses, and I would be very weary of him if he is not willing to do that. It's much easier for him than him having to pay via money order.
If you start out dealing with clients with lies, you are doomed to be a bottom feeder scraping around for pennies. Be straight with him and if he's cool he'll stick with you when he's financially better off, if he doesn't then he's not worth it.

Good luck.
I sound pretty sketchy too though when I don't give him my address and I highly doubt he's a scammer. I told him no deposit was necessary when he offered to give one and he's really pleased with my service. I have immensely improved his rankings but they could use more help.

Plus this is an offline business, I'll friggan trash his review pages if he doesn't pay up. I like the prepaid gift card idea. I think it's smart. Maybe I will tell him I had a bad experience with transferring money over mail and I will never do it again.
Hey Thomas,
First of all Don't lie. Keep your mailing address safe, so you know who are the people knocking at you door, if you know what I mean. Tell him to go F**K himself, but no address will be given out.
Second of all if he does not send you the money as promised via Paypal Fuck him, and move on, He will eventually come back to pay you, because you have done all the work, and he kept 50% of the money. It's unfair what he has done, but tell him that a Maxed credit card is NOT an excuse, and if you don't get the money within 24 hours, NO more work will be provided by you. Simple as that.
It's ashamed to see that some people come with all kinds of excuses just to steal some money.
My advice: be cool, tell him to go fuck himself and stop working for him. Find some work for a guy that is really worth it.
If he's willing to send you a money order, that means that he has the cash in hand. Have him send you a Western Union instead, and just go pick it up on your own, assuming Western Union will allow that for a 17 year old
Ahh you should have guessed the state, though I doubt you'd get it. It's one of the last states you would have guessed: Rhode Island. Anyway, let me explain why the PO Box is a bad idea:

"Mom, going to go get a PO Box account."
"Why do you need that?"
Ahh you should have guessed the state, though I doubt you'd get it. It's one of the last states you would have guessed: Rhode Island. Anyway, let me explain why the PO Box is a bad idea:

"Mom, going to go get a PO Box account."
"Why do you need that?"

You have to tell your mom where you're going? I thought kids roamed freely now a days?

Just say you're going out.
She's protective (clearly). Anyway, here is the email he sent me in the past few hours:

Okay, I bought a prepaid mastercard, I am not familiar with paypal, I will try and figure it out. Wish me luck, I am not so good at this computer stuff, obviously.


Like someone said earlier, a monkey could set up this Paypal account. I even sent a reminder for the request I sent earlier so he'd just have to open his email and literally press a button to make the payment.

I'll keep you guys tuned in. I was hoping he would have sent it sooner but we'll see.