bhw getting filled with clickbait?


Jul 13, 2018
Reaction score
maybe its just me but I feel like lately all posts here are just using clickbait titles and most of them try to sell you shit like those old dick pills ads "Doctors dont want you to know this!", "This miracle method was hidden for years and is now exposed for you! For $69.99 only!" I mean, usually bhw were the ones clickbaiting the snowflakes at reddit, did it already make a full turn and now bhw is clickbaiting bhw?
maybe its just me but I feel like lately all posts here are just using clickbait titles and most of them try to sell you shit like those old dick pills ads "Doctors dont want you to know this!", "This miracle method was hidden for years and is now exposed for you! For $69.99 only!" I mean, usually bhw were the ones clickbaiting the snowflakes at reddit, did it already make a full turn and now bhw is clickbaiting bhw?
Yea, it is always been the case :). I think you can easily understand what's clickbait.
maybe its just me but I feel like lately all posts here are just using clickbait titles and most of them try to sell you shit like those old dick pills ads "Doctors dont want you to know this!", "This miracle method was hidden for years and is now exposed for you! For $69.99 only!" I mean, usually bhw were the ones clickbaiting the snowflakes at reddit, did it already make a full turn and now bhw is clickbaiting bhw?

Yes I tend to agree, I like to clickbait people indeed.
Still better than dickbait IMO.
What did you really expect from a forum full of marketers from all over the world wanting to out shine each other? Like normal life, there is a lot of testosterone here to .. =)
There has been some clickbait but nothing major.

What I see is some of the members with actual brains treating this like a playground a bit much which devalues the quality of the forum when I know they can offer something of value that would help the members.
maybe its just me but I feel like lately all posts here are just using clickbait titles and most of them try to sell you shit like those old dick pills ads "Doctors dont want you to know this!", "This miracle method was hidden for years and is now exposed for you! For $69.99 only!" I mean, usually bhw were the ones clickbaiting the snowflakes at reddit, did it already make a full turn and now bhw is clickbaiting bhw?

Just click the ignore button, it really is worth the cost of Jr VIP alone.
Sadly it's become a kids playground some days.
Just click the ignore button, it really is worth the cost of Jr VIP alone.
Sadly it's become a kids playground some days.

Yes indeed some days it is really a lounge party.