[BETA] ** YT Commander - Comment Rater, Mass Commenting + More **


Regular Member
Apr 27, 2011
Reaction score
Hey hows it going fellow BH'ers ? I'm in need of some Beta Testers for the new, Youtube(YT) Commander Comment/Ranker Bot ! Requirements: 1: Plenty of Private Proxies not banned by YT -- PVA Accounts as well 2: 100 Posts + 3: Previous Experience with comment rating, dealing with proxies, etc Post your qualifications below, and I'll pick out a handful of competent testers. If you have any questions then just post here and I'll answer them all ! Thanks Royal
Haha this funny, why you need proxies? I finish my YT bot this week and works perfectly without proxies, also I have added a new extremely awesome features never seen before.

Anyways goodluck mate ~
Hey I have plenty of private proxies, and plenty of PVA accounts, and I only do Youtube! I would love to test your tool!
PM's Sent! Still need a few more testers.
Hey Im already doing this with a zenno template, i do have new dedicated proxies and pva accounts. Count me in for beta test
Not got 50 posts but have been around in the youtube commnt rating section for a long time and have plenty of youtube pva's and private proxies. Would love to be considered
i would like to test this . if u see my previous post you will find that i do heavy youtueb commenting. i have all the things that u asked.
I create my own pvas daily for my own personal reason, I have proxies and I know the youtube game. I will test it not just jumping on this to get in on the freebie.
I have comment rated in the past, I still do comment rating to test LP's from time to time.
pm's sent! I'm still taking a few more.. @Sapo clear out your inbox, and send over you contact info
i have my own youtube pvas and i'm willing to test your software :P
I got my own YT PVA's and got good proxies for YT stuff.. :)

Let me know if I am eligible. thanks
Hey Buddy. I make all my IM money from CPA/Youtube - so I have ample experience with thumbing/liking. Throw me a copy and i'll let you know how it fares and give ya a indepth review.