Best anti detect browser & proxy provider for bingads?


May 22, 2024
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if anyone is currently running bingads, kindly tell which anti-detect browser and proxy provider is working for you?
my accounts are getting banned even for creating legit WH campaigns. i am thinking it might be because of my browser and proxy.

Thanks in advance!
Maybe the browser parameters and IP are blacklisted. You should have a new clean environment to operate your account. Use anti-detect browser to create different browsers with different parameters. Use proxy to create different IPs
Maybe the browser parameters and IP are blacklisted. You should have a new clean environment to operate your account. Use anti-detect browser to create different browsers with different parameters. Use proxy to create different IPs
Recently I've used your browser as well BTW. Didn't get any success, couldn't even create account without getting it ban in few hrs. I used clean residential proxies.
Recently I've used your browser as well BTW. Didn't get any success, couldn't even create account without getting it ban in few hrs. I used clean residential proxies.
Some errors may have occurred during setup. Please contact our support team. We will assist you in this matter
Bing is as crazy as well since beginning of May, they block accounts even its 100% pure white hat ecommerce ads.
Bing is as crazy as well since beginning of May, they block accounts even its 100% pure white hat ecommerce ads.
Very true bro, I can't even run ads for legit verified businesses on business verified ad accounts. Even after the appeal they reject it and block perm.
Like wtf does Microsoft wants?
Very true bro, I can't even run ads for legit verified businesses on business verified ad accounts. Even after the appeal they reject it and block perm.
Like wtf does Microsoft wants?
The good news is that it starts getting stricter in June.
In June Microsoft released a new policy, which is why white sites are also blocked. Go to Microsoft ads and look up the willingness to block, that will help you.
In June Microsoft released a new policy, which is why white sites are also blocked. Go to Microsoft ads and look up the willingness to block, that will help you.
can you share the exact updated policy which you are talking about? because why would they ban legit businesses on verified accounts?
can you share the exact updated policy which you are talking about? because why would they ban legit businesses on verified accounts?
What I got was a PDF file telling about the latest regulations.

Once again before Microsoft did little to no auditing of white sites and it was easy to allow them.[...] But June enforced the policy a bit and I can share some details with you; let me find the document.
如果有人目前正在运行 bingads,请告知哪种反检测浏览器和代理提供商适合您?
我的账户甚至因为创建合法的 WH 活动而被禁止。我想这可能是因为我的浏览器和代理。

Most likely it's not the reason you mentioned. Now for Bing advertisers, there are also situations where risk control has been strengthened. Of course, it is not as crazy as Google's risk control.
You can try several more advertising accounts. Some accounts will be risk-controlled for no reason, but there will definitely be accounts that can be used normally, and there is a certain probability.
google is so much better than bing they are all using google accounts now