be aware! is a SCAM


Junior Member
Apr 7, 2015
Reaction score
hello everyone :)
recently someone (maybe the owner of !) has posted a thread about a bot that works with but the post is deleted now i guess, i have registered and loaded some bitcoin and started mining.

this website is still new, only 2 months, and the reviews on google stated that it's a scam, the support mail is not answering at all, now i can't log in to my account, i lost 10000 satoshi :D
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I had never heard of the site before. I thought it was an investment site (hyip), too risky.
If something sounds too good to be true... it usually is.
i was not able to login, maybe there was a problem with the system, but the support is not answering at all, i have sent them from different emails but they never respond, and i found some posts with negative feedback and being a scam...

What did he exactly scam you though?
Damn i hate these people who just rip of honest working people like us i mean this isnt even any notable cash, like a couple of dollars !
i doubt that this crap can even cover the server costs and domain, stupid people to scam instead of starting a legitimate business and making a good profit in the long run
Thanks for the heads up and have a nice day.
Due to my respekt of scammers i decided writeing the bot in the purpose of scamming the scammers.

but it sux now cus the page stuxx now. was so smooth creating thousands of accounts on bit-lite to overkill their database XD