[Basic Guide] Create Unlimited Instagram Accounts From Your Desktop


Registered Member
Apr 23, 2016
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Hey guys, recently I received lots of questions about how I create my instagram accounts and honestly I didn't think that this was a struggle part for many beginners. I'm going to explain the simplest option i have

  • Google Chrome
  • Proxies
  1. Open Google Chrome, then go to settings (the 3 points under the closing x), scroll down and click "advanced settings", then finally click on "proxy settings". Open lan settings
  2. Log In into your proxy provider and pick one proxy xx.xx.xxx.xxx:yyyy; (x stands for address, y stands for port), copy the address into the address box and then the port into the port box. Finally click ok
  3. Open Instagram, click in the sign up button and try several usernames till you find the one that is not taken, save your username, open a new tab and then go ahead to the next step
  4. Now you need an email, many people ask me, how do you get an email without Phone Verification? Well that's easy! Just use services such as mail.com or yandex.com, my preference goes for yandex since the sign up part is faster
  5. Now you have an email, come back to the instagram page you opened before, insert your email and complete the registration
  6. Once the account is created update as soon as you can the profile picture photo, the bio and then CONFIRM YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS
  7. Once done that your account is ready to use for botting purposing, MAKE SURE TO LOG OUT from instagram.com in your browser and you are done, you can use your account or you can create another one using the same method





  • Don't use more than 5 accounts on the same proxy
  • ALWAYS make sure you have verificated your email and you have done the log out from your browser, that's fundamental if you want to avoid early bans or phone verification

  • Instagram Asks for phone verification what to do?
This means one thing basically, you switched proxies without logging out your last account.
If this happens it means that not only that your last account is in "phone verification", but also the other accounts registered using that proxy will have problems if you don't react.

Log out from that account, it's lost but the other accounts can still be saved.

What you need to do is to replace your "faulty phone verifcation proxy": ask your provider for another one, and replace the "faulty proxy" you used on all your accounts with the new one they provided to you and you will be fine

Hope this helps :)
Corrected :)

if some moderator can remove the faulty "IMG" it will be a huge favor since i can't do that :(
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Good guide. Personally, I've never had an account not being PVA by Instagram. I use residential and business IPs in the USA. Having a phone number is a must now a days. Otherwise your bot account will be lost in a few days, or one week.
Good guide. Personally, I've never had an account not being PVA by Instagram. I use residential and business IPs in the USA. Having a phone number is a must now a days. Otherwise your bot account will be lost in a few days, or one week.

Personally i encountered phone verification on 1 account only using this method and it was because of my fault, the key is being careful with what you do and with your ip/proxies
You can use portable firefox, 1 proxy per browser and you don't have to care about switch proxy and logout account
Just tried this method out. Bought 5 ipv4 proxies and made 5 accounts, one on each. Had no issues making them. Will let them sit for a week or so before warming them up and report back. Thanks!
I suggest you clean your cache and cookies between each account creation. That may help with some things too.
Just tried this method out. Bought 5 ipv4 proxies and made 5 accounts, one on each. Had no issues making them. Will let them sit for a week or so before warming them up and report back. Thanks!
Hey. What are your experiences with this method so far?
You gott no trouble till now, because you created to much Accounts on one PC?

Nope but consider that yandex can ask you pv further, mail.com seems to detect that you are creating several accounts. So i suggest to try out also MAIL.RU

I suggest you clean your cache and cookies between each account creation. That may help with some things too.

This works especially during the creation of the instagram accounts, you can leave traces so if you want to be 100% sure clear the browsert directly (you won't loose anything special if you do that process in a vps)
Can this method work with Twitter too?

Of course it works, but you need to use different browsers. I use a portable firefox and of course a proxy. Now registration of instagram accounts via the web browser is difficult and accounts that are not very high-quality are obtained.
Basically the ‘twist’ of this method is that you put proxies into the browser. You can do the same with Firefox. It is still not gurantees that Instagram won’t notice your fingerprints. If it does it will ask for phone verification right after registration or will give a message ‘something wrong try again later and won’t let you use same email again. Don’t bot accounts right after registering them. Proxies can be adjusted free by using mobile phone tethering, as mentioned on another method.