Anyone using should be careful

Mar 17, 2018
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Hi, I asked, a digital note-taking app, a couple of questions on security, privacy, and general things, and here is the reply I got - (Copy pasted it from my email)
  1. We don't provide 2-factor auth yet. Need to add it soon though!
  2. We take security seriously, and do quarterly security audits!
  3. Our employees can access your data. Though everybody signs legal contract not to abuse besides for trouble shooting and content recovery.
  4. Not password protection for now. Might add that soon though!
  5. We only provide the synced version right now
  6. Yep. You can sync across as many devices as you'd like. There's no limit (unlike Evernote).
Our employees CAN access your data. Perfect!

Just be careful if anyone is using Notion or planning for migration.
Employees can access your data on pretty much every single web service - big deal. I'm happy with Notion as a product and I'm sure they'll add more privacy features such as 2FA and maybe end to end encryption too.