Anyone going to Affiliate Summit East (ASE)?


Junior Member
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
Hey guys,

Just wondering if anyone is going to ASE? This might be a good time to meet up and chat, maybe discuss JVs etc.

I waited too late to buy an effing ticket and now they're sold out, but I live in NYC so even if I can't get in I'm in the area so I can still meet up with folks who wanna talk biznuss or just the industry... it's fun to meet like-minded people. :)

So, anyone going?
I'm the only bidder right now on one of them, hoping hoping.. :)
Thanks for the tip off, hopefully i can now get a ticket otherwise its West for me:(
See ya there J0kerz... I'm in the lobby now, I didn't know there'd be SO many people here (lots of chicks, too O_o).
Posted via Mobile Device
Hey, if anyone sees Imran Naseem or Shoemoney there give them a swift kick in the balls for me.
Shoemoney isn't an irregular sight at tech-shows. Every time I see him I just have to look (more like stare) at him, because he's the human "Goofy". I always hope he trips.
Shoemoney isn't an irregular sight at tech-shows. Every time I see him I just have to look (more like stare) at him, because he's the human "Goofy". I always hope he trips.

lol @ human goofy - hahah... my first smile after being scammed today :d lol thanks..