I'm not a pilot but I've taken a few classes. It was fricking expensive and the Cherokee I was training in went down three weeks after I quit, along with my CFI and 2 friends. It has been 7 years since that crash and I'm just now starting to think about it again. To answer your question, it depends on what you're interested in piloting. For a Private Pilots license you're looking at $200ish USD per hour depending on what you rent and where you train, the hourly rate is divided between aircraft rental fees and the instructors hourly rate. There are a few schools that do it for a flat rate and some that guarantee your license within a certain number of days/hours. The cheapest option is a Sport Pilot license which is at least 20 hours, but that only allows you to fly VFR during the day, with one passenger, and restricts the kind of aircraft you can fly (which in turn restricts the speed and altitude you can fly at). The next step up is Private Pilot (40+ hours) which everyone else has been telling you about, then IFR (another 20 hours?) which is what you need to fly using instruments. Then you can go commercial and/or get your instructor (CFI) qualifications, and you can also get different checkouts on the way - taildragger, high performance, etc and you can take specialized classes, too - unusual attitude training = spin/stall training would be smart. I figure that if I make enough to buy a plane, then I'll start taking classes again. But not until then.