Any micro saas ideas?


Junior Member
Mar 13, 2014
Reaction score
So after work I have a lot of spare time, so I figured I would start a micro saas.. The issue is that I have no idea what to make.
I keep finding these ideas of "Make the next dropbox" which to me isn't a micro saas.
What's something small and simple and pretty niche that I can develop?

Any idea is helpful! :-)
Take a look on Dane Maxwell's work. Really a great guy and you can learn from him exactly the process how to come up with saas idea, or in other words a solution for someone who will gladly pay you shitloads of money. The process is called "idea extraction" ;)
Op someone got any real good idea, he wont be sharing on online forum. Build something for BHW sellers.
You do not start with an idea or solution. You start with a problem. Think about your own problems or interview your friends/peers. Ask them what is the most painful part of their work. If you find a problem then go around asking online and offline, who else is having this problem. Thats how you start a micro/macro SaaS.