AMR Results - Updated Stats & Indexing...


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score

With this years Panda-Fest, all the talk now is on indexing, and how much harder it's got...

I've run some stats from a section of AMR runs over the last 90 days (based on a slice of 3 new submissions per day, 5 days per week, 550-850 dir's, with NO 2nd/3rd tier links or pings/RSS/indexers/BMs/etc. to help them index), and it shows some interesting results.

Indexing is much slower than before as expected, but it's still consistently climbing.

With the huge slow-down, I'd expected a massive drop-off in overall indexing, but after 60-90 days, I'm still seeing some pretty good (for post-panda anyway) indexing rates.

After 2 weeks I averaged 32 indexed links (not great - I remember the days when it wpuld be 400+ by 2 weeks!)

After 1 month, it was around 64 indexed links.

After 2 months, it had climbed to around 93 indexed links.

After 3 months, most were showing 100-130 indexed links.

That's a pretty flat-line growth; and FAR better than I'd expected.

So, although the days of massive and fast indexing with AMR, are over, I have to say that I'm happy with 100-130 indexed links from each run over 3 months. That's a nice natural growth for my properties. And if you're doing 3-4 per day, then thats 400-500 indexed links per day over time.

Recently, we've been trying EVERYTHING to increase indexing rates, and the only real success seems to be from non-spammed 2.0's. Pinging/RSS feeds and services don't really seem to cut the mustard anymore. AMR > AMR doesn't increase the speed (you wouldn't really expect it to - based on the above results,) bookmarking isn't really helping either.

I wonder now if it's better to accept the new growth rates, and just get on with it; rather than spending a fortune in time/effort and money to get the links indexed quicker?

...I suppose it depends on your strategy. We have hundred and hundreds of sites that are all in it for the long-haul, so I don't care if it takes a little longer - as long as the asset is protected and maturing. If I bring a new domain online - I don't expect any results for the first 6 months (it will get some - but I don't expect anything from it.)

I think that since Panda, many BH's need to rethink their AMR strategy and while using BH methods, focus more on white/grey hat assets for longevity.

Of course, manual 2.0's have become the hot & fast indexing item now. And this is the area we're pushing into the hardest.

I also have to qualify all these results by saying that the content, titles and resources are MASSIVELY spun and highly unique, and the submissions were across hundreds of pages and domains - so ZERO footprint. Don't expect good results with mediocre spinning!

I have to agree with you about the indexing of AMR backlinks. I did a AMR blast more than a week ago and still don't see any backlinks. But your research gives me hope that eventually the links will be indexed.

But what I do see is quick results. Even though none of the backlinks were indexed, I jumped in the SERPs from not even being in the Top 100 to place nr. 11. This is huge for me, and tells me not to concentrate too much on the indexing, but rather looking for jumps in the SERPs.
But what I do see is quick results. Even though none of the backlinks were indexed, I jumped in the SERPs from not even being in the Top 100 to place nr. 11. This is huge for me, and tells me not to concentrate too much on the indexing, but rather looking for jumps in the SERPs.

An excellent point! I didn't mention that...

Even though I was looking at primary index results, there were many more moving into the supplementary index; and rankings are assisted by these too.

If you're going after easier terms, then a couple of hundred links, even in the supplementary index can push your site front-page.

Thanks for the comment!
I have been seeing the same results with AMR. Thanks for the share ;)

I posted this a while back - but thought it might help some people out: Here it is again:

Here are My AMR Top Tips:

Mastering the use of AMR takes a lot of work, testing and patience! Don't expect to get it right immediately. We use it on an industrial scale, and these are some key points:


  1. Use the pre-pop to randomise the names for each account
  2. Use for account details
  3. Always use 10 char passwords for account. Upper/lower & numbers only.
  4. Use cPanel email accounts only - and rotate over many different domains. .info's are cheap disposable domains.
  5. Always use a short/different (less than 250 chars) BIO
  6. After 1st attempt to sign-up, go back and re-try all failed - you'll get an extra 10-30% - depending on the time of day. Friday afternoon are the best - go figure!
  7. Use a NEW IP address EVERY time you sign-up: You may just be able to reset your router if your ISP dynamically assigns it, or you may need HMA (hide My Ass.)
  8. Track sign-up success and remove sites that do not allow sign-ups 6 times in a row. This requires some AMR exports and some spreadsheet knowledge. Do this once/twice per month to clean out useless dir's and save time and captcha cost
  9. Import directories regularly on a 2nd PC install and export the succesful ones to the main submission PC.


  1. Don't submit hundreds of article on the same author. Limit an author to 20/30 articles max, and don't submit every author every day. Rotate authors and use them every OTHER day (or less.) So if 2 articles per day, you need at least 4 authors.
  2. First; Submit to ALL directories with NO summary and a single HTML embedded link in content.
  3. Then resubmit all failed directories with a short summary and NO HTML embedded in content. This will yield another 10-30%
  4. Spin the content very well - and EVERY time. i.e. use heavily nested {braces|spintax} in the article and use char-spinning.
    See < > for a proper explanation.
  5. Try and use reasonable quality/readable content that will pass a quick human inspection. It doesn't have to perfect, so don't waste time on article quality. Grammar doesn't matter most of the time, as there are so many foreign authors with awful grammar.
  6. Heavily spin the title EVERY time - use {braces|spintax} again
  7. Keep the resource/bio short and with no more than 2 links and spin it properly as well. De-personalise it and just use a single unique name for "exact phrase" search indexing tracking (if you want.)
  8. Use a NEW IP address EVERY time you submit: You may just be able to reset your router if your ISP dynamically assigns it, or you may need HMA (hide My Ass.)
  9. Track submission success and remove sites that do not allow submissions 6 times in a row. Also remove dir's that allow sign-ups but do not allow submissions. This requires some AMR exports and some spreadsheet knowledge. Do this once/twice per month to clean out useless dir's and save time and captcha cost
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Why is it important to have your conent indexed doesn't google still crawl the site and see your backlink even if it's not indexed? I never understood this part
Did AMR ever fix the duplicate directories problem? I have not used it since I found up to 3 duplicate directories in the list. Actually I'm kinda pissed that the software developer expects every user to spend a day manually removing duplicates by hand every time they import new directories. Auto removal of duplicates is such a basic need but has been ignored for months.
Are you blasting the money sites directly or into Web 2 buffer sites? If directly, is it a full blast at one site?
Why is it important to have your conent indexed doesn't google still crawl the site and see your backlink even if it's not indexed? I never understood this part

Crawling and spidering are Google 'looking and considering' your site. At this point, there's no backlink - as they haven't added it to their database. They keep an eye on the page, and wait for it to be deemed indexable (i.e. worthy of including in their index.)

If the page gets some links, but doesn't look fab or looks duplicate (or whatever other factors they may consider) it can end up in the supplementary index; you still get some 'juice' from this and with easy terms, you can still rank.

If they consider it 'worthy' - and original - they'll put it in the main index - which mean it can be found by a search. This gives the maximum chance of link-juice - but it still isn't for certain. Google then usually waits for a link to age a little - to grow in power. You can have situations where you have a bunch of indexed pages with your links on - but you still don't get credit/juice from the link.

There's no way to control Google - so we just push for as many varied, original, content diverse and IP diverse links as possible!

Did AMR ever fix the duplicate directories problem? I have not used it since I found up to 3 duplicate directories in the list. Actually I'm kinda pissed that the software developer expects every user to spend a day manually removing duplicates by hand every time they import new directories. Auto removal of duplicates is such a basic need but has been ignored for months.

Nope. I only add small lists at a time and test on a 2nd installation. Every 2 weeks I export the fully working sites onto a fresh/clean DB on my AMR server, and use that for 2 weeks, until the next export.

I really wish the system would store ALL dir's forever, and maintain a single tight list of dir's that you want to use at any one point. The blacklisting method is cumbersome and cause even more data processing and slow-down. It really needs a radical overhaul from the DB design perspective.
Are you blasting the money sites directly or into Web 2 buffer sites? If directly, is it a full blast at one site?

Direct to the key pages. These are tier 1 content links - like 2.0's - as long as you use quality-spun content.

Tier 2 and 3 are the spammy ones.
Are you blasting the money sites directly or into Web 2 buffer sites? If directly, is it a full blast at one site?

I think the premise of this thread is using amr to index other properties
I think the premise of this thread is using amr to index other properties

No... The stats above are purely about the indexation of the AMR article itself...

Of course; you CAN use these for indexation of other assets - but the process would be slow - as shown by the results. They do add some nice juice to 2.0's over time though!

NOTE: When I stated 400-500 links for 4 submissions, I meant 1200-1500 - as we embed 2 distinct links in the BIO, and 1 in the content itself (gets about 90% acceptance.) It was 400-500 articles - not links.
Great thread, I love AMR. Good to see its still having an impact over the long term.
I posted this a while back - but thought it might help some people out: Here it is again:

Here are My AMR Top Tips:

Mastering the use of AMR takes a lot of work, testing and patience! Don't expect to get it right immediately. We use it on an industrial scale, and these are some key points:


  1. Use the pre-pop to randomise the names for each account
  2. Use for account details
  3. Always use 10 char passwords for account. Upper/lower & numbers only.
  4. Use cPanel email accounts only - and rotate over many different domains. .info's are cheap disposable domains.
  5. Always use a short/different (less than 250 chars) BIO
  6. After 1st attempt to sign-up, go back and re-try all failed - you'll get an extra 10-30% - depending on the time of day. Friday afternoon are the best - go figure!
  7. Use a NEW IP address EVERY time you sign-up: You may just be able to reset your router if your ISP dynamically assigns it, or you may need HMA (hide My Ass.)
  8. Track sign-up success and remove sites that do not allow sign-ups 6 times in a row. This requires some AMR exports and some spreadsheet knowledge. Do this once/twice per month to clean out useless dir's and save time and captcha cost
  9. Import directories regularly on a 2nd PC install and export the succesful ones to the main submission PC.


  1. Don't submit hundreds of article on the same author. Limit an author to 20/30 articles max, and don't submit every author every day. Rotate authors and use them every OTHER day (or less.) So if 2 articles per day, you need at least 4 authors.
  2. First; Submit to ALL directories with NO summary and a single HTML embedded link in content.
  3. Then resubmit all failed directories with a short summary and NO HTML embedded in content. This will yield another 10-30%
  4. Spin the content very well - and EVERY time. i.e. use heavily nested {braces|spintax} in the article and use char-spinning.
    See < > for a proper explanation.
  5. Try and use reasonable quality/readable content that will pass a quick human inspection. It doesn't have to perfect, so don't waste time on article quality. Grammar doesn't matter most of the time, as there are so many foreign authors with awful grammar.
  6. Spin the title EVERY time - use {braces|spintax} again
  7. Keep the resource/bio short and with no more than 2 links. De-personalise it and just use a single unique name for "exact phrase" search indexing tracking (if you want.)
  8. Use a NEW IP address EVERY time you submit: You may just be able to reset your router if your ISP dynamically assigns it, or you may need HMA (hide My Ass.)
  9. Track submission success and remove sites that do not allow submissions 6 times in a row. Also remove dir's that allow sign-ups but do not allow submissions. This requires some AMR exports and some spreadsheet knowledge. Do this once/twice per month to clean out useless dir's and save time and captcha cost

Excellent money info. I am going to impliment these tips pronto. Quick you spin your Bio / Signature? I spun my Bio on one account only to realise that the whole thing, sintax and all, where being posted to the article directories without being spun.
Excellent money info. I am going to impliment these tips pronto. Quick you spin your Bio / Signature? I spun my Bio on one account only to realise that the whole thing, sintax and all, where being posted to the article directories without being spun.

Always spin EVERYTHING. There's no point in spinning the content and title and then leaving a whopping great unspun bio as a fingerprint.

Keep Resources short - and don't use them as a soapbox! They're there PURELY for your links. Say the least possible, mega-spin it and use lots of different link URLs and anchors. Loads of articles pointing to the same domain with the same anchor is another fingerprint. I normally do a run with at least 16-20 different URL's and hundreds of varied anchors.