Amatuer Porn


Oct 5, 2015
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Hey guys so this might be stupid but I had this idea in my head about making homemade porn with my girlfriend (although wearing a mask to cover our identities.) How would I go about monetizing these videos? Is there potential to make a decent amount of extra money? As stated this is probably the dumbest idea I have had (didn't even ask my girl about this yet lol) So what do you experts think? thanks
get her to do a cam show without the mask and you stay out of the camera while still wearing that mask and you'll be rolling in the benjamins in no time.
Check out chaturbate.

Not a stupid idea at all, thousands of people make a nice income this way.
Not much porn out there with masks. If your going to wear masks, dont expect much.
Head to Bonga Cams and start a couples channel. Would probably make some good cash there ~
Chaturbate can work, and maybe don't do full face masks, maybe just some fancy but sexy evening masks?
I'm sure some people will dig it and watch you guys.
I think you guys should wear masks and do really really extreme stuff. Good money

That's actually my main source of income /rofl
Here's a proven method that I've seen many "novice adult studios" do.
1)Create a membership page -- the kind where users have to buy a membership to access content. This will lead to nice recurring monthly income. (Think or bangbros) Hide all your full videos behind this pay wall.
2)Take your home made videos and cut them into smaller chunks. Watermark them all with your domain name. Slice in a good intro/outro.
3)Register profiles on free amateur porn tubes like xhamster and start slowly drip-feeding your content. Deck out your profile with as much as you can. That means avatar, link, bio, engage with the community, comments, etc.
4)Users who like the content will turn into $$traffic$$
You can make 500$ per hour easily on cam shows, do some fetish and people will buy you as crazy.
Who's the best host to create a membership page. i want to Create a tube porn site. and run a 24/7 live cam house.