It sounds like you are trying to game the system and that will never work.
I'm an Adwords professional and I've never heard of this review when changing budget nes22 is talking about. The correct answer is that there is a review any time you create an ad. This first automatic pass is to ensure that your new ad follows all policies. If there appears to be an issue, it will be passed along for a manual review. It also checks your landing page to see if it follows all policies as well. When that all checks out, your ad is ready to go. This typically happens within minutes unless it needs to go to a manual review.
Note that I'm talking about text ads. Image ads are always manually reviewed and this may take a day or two. But I've seen ads seemingly in limbo for much longer. A gentle reminder to Google clears that up pretty quickly.
Finally, the system will periodically review your landing page to make sure you haven't changed it and if you did, that the new page still follows all policies. Some years ago that looked like every 10 to 11 days but may be faster now. As with ads, anything the system finds not quite right, it will pause your ads and your page will be put into the queue for manual review. This could take a few days so it's best to know and follow all policies. It's not typically an issue except for certain categories. So anyone saying to have a page that Google will approve and then change it is going to get a surprise.