Advice: Tweet Attacks Pro or Bookmarking demon?


Regular Member
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Hello friends,

I need some advice from someone who has experienced both programs. I know that they are super powerful and i need advice which one to buy it first.

I've tried Tweet attacks and i decided to buy it. Then i saw BMD functions and put me in to thinking. For tweet attacks i'm planning to buy the account creator too.

Does BMD have manual captcha solving? And how often do you use it? Mainly i need it for traffic & CPA so i want some opinions from members.

Which one will convert better for cpa, TA or BMD.

Thanks everyone :)
Ok however i can pay for captcha :) I just wanted to solve them manually, i'm not lazy :D

Expecting to see some other answers here from other members :)
Go with Tweet Attacks, the combination of TA and content locked CPA offers is absurd. Whatever you do, get started soon. Once you start running campaigns on TA you'll realize how much every lost second is really worth.

Take action!
Thanks man, i'm already doing some huge things but for long term. That's why i'm asking for these 2 great programs, need to make fast cash and then invest it :)