600+ Items/Services - Need PPC JV Partner for Big Platform Unlimited Pot.


Power Member
Jul 16, 2008
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600+ Items/Services - Need PPC JV Partner for Big Platform Unlimited Pot.

I've been on a limb about this but I've concluded that this is for the best to reach the platforms maximum potential. Im looking for a JV partner. A ppc company who can setup their own campaigns to target my various services on my platform/ website. The industry and service you ask? Adventure Tourism. I have already put in a ton of hours this year with a total of just over 600 items/ services which I have negotiated rates for off about 15-35% with close to 100 providers. I can easily expand to over 5,000 items/ services and my strategy for expansion is easy and proven at that. On average each sales profit is roughly $50-$90 based on the usual amount booked. I also have some services on the website that yield as much as $1,600 profit which I have not tried any ppc campaigns for.

The growth possibilities here is pretty big as you can imagine.

The reason Im looking for a JV? I had a lot of my funds in this company "stock," which declared bankruptcy on me which I was not expecting and I lost of good chunk of the funds I had planned to use for this project. I have already setup up a few ppc campaigns on adwords and bing that seem to bring in a sale every day but I lacked experience with ppc and wasted a lot of money. I know with the current product availability the amount of money that can be currently generated I'm confident can be over $1,000,000 per year with almost huge room for expansion. I just need the right partner to put in their expertise and experience in so we can really get this going on a large scale. Ive expanded into about 6 different countries and 15 different cities across the Caribbean and Central America.

We can work on some sort of performance based initiative as I do not have the funds anymore to really throw at the kind of ppc campaigns that we really need.

Once we agree upon terms, we can get started right away. I will also have already went ahead and stopped my campaigns to prevent any confusion on where the sales are coming from and we can agree on a profit split. I can even setup a foward to your email so you will see every time I get a sale this way you will know I'm being honest with my proposal and venture.

With the right partner we have the potential to make a lot of money together, I have no doubt in my mind. And as I mentioned above, with the current listings I have I believe a million plus per year is achievable with the right campaigns and ppc partner.
JV Approved

Please note: When you go into partnership with another member, you MUST do your own due diligence. All partners in a venture take full responsibility for the service and for each other's actions in respect to that service. If any member breaks the marketplace rules, all partners will bear the consequences.


Remember, use your head, don't expect everything to be perfect and plan on working to be successful as almost no business opportunity just pours cash into your hands without some elbow grease.
fatjack, send me a PM with your skype please, want to talk about other potential opportunity.
i would like to have a look on your website before discussing further. Thanks