1,576,115 Twitter Followers!!!

He has been around for a really long time, and his tweets are good as always.
Theres a wiki page on it

Heres a little quote
Shit My Dad Says is a Twitter feed started by Justin Halpern, who at the time was a semi-employed comedy writer.[1] It consists of quotes allegedly made by Halpern's father, Sam, regarding random subjects.[2] Halpern started the account on August 3, 2009, soon after moving from Los Angeles back to his parents' house in San Diego. He intended it only as a storage site for his father's salty comments, but a friend posted a link to it. Comedian Rob Corddry then tweeted the link, and that really "jump-started it" according to Halpern.[3] In less than a month, the page was mentioned by The Daily Show, a popular San Francisco blog called Laughing Squid and Forgetting Sarah Marshall star Kristen Bell.[4] As of 1 August 2010, the feed has nearly 1,600,000 followers.
I guess thats how it went viral
Lol !!!

Welcome to the internet. This has been one of the most popular accounts on Twitter for more than a year.