xrumer guide

  1. zoomsixx

    Xrumer Question Can it create bulk Gmail accounts

    I'm curious if you can use Xrumer to generate bulk Gmail accounts? (without modules) If so can someone direct me on how to do so or show me where I can read about it? I'm not asking to be spoon fed but I've looked around everywhere for the directions, including the Xrumer help guide and the...
  2. M

    WTH - Experienced Xrumer Teacher

    Please PM me with info what you can teach me (covering tracks, linking strategies, teaching xrumer new tricks etc.), what you can share (link lists, AI files etc.) and how much do you want for it. I will need to see proof of your skills, so please no beginners or users running xrumer on default...
  3. S

    Xrumer Supported Sites

    Is the pligg sites and PHPld sites supported in Latest Version of Xrumer ? If not is it possible to train xrumer ? Can some one post a list of site types supported by xrumer , botmasternet site seem to be not updated