• On Wednesday, 19th February between 10:00 and 11:00 UTC, the forum will go down for maintenance. Read More


  1. diamanio

    Sopify store sell -Inquiry About Selling My Shopify Store

    Hello, I hope this message finds you well. I recently started a Shopify store, connected with printful, but due to unforeseen circumstances, I am considering selling it. I wanted to know if it is possible to sell a Shopify store, especially one that is still relatively new. Could you please...
  2. callmemaximillian

    Shopify Page Builder that is worth it`s money?

    Hey everyone, I’ve recently started diving into Shopify and have found the SaaS model to be quite strange for me. It seems like you have to pay for almost everything! After installing a theme, I wanted to enhance the design to improve conversion rates. To speed things up, I began looking for a...
  3. I

    The Best country to register shopify shop if I don't want to pay taxes or doxx yourself?

    Title tells it all. What is the best country to register shopify shop to make returning hard as possible and tax precentage low as possible? Could be nice if the country has private company details so no one can check who is behind the company. I'm not doing anything illegal, I just want to live...
  4. I

    Shopify without registered company?

    I have made my shopify shop but before I even got it open, paypal banned me permanently :D So my question is what is the best way to accept payments in shopify without registered company? Payment methods that accept company register later. I'll register my company after I have got enough sales...
  5. Michele981

    How to open a pirate Streaming site like cb01 ecc..?

    Hi guys i'm new here, and i'm trying to find some guides about how to open a pirate site streaming... Also, if possible, some guides about opening a shopify store without my infromation..( i'm going to sell pirate material) and people must pay me with btc. So: i know how to use shopify, but the...
  6. guido91


    I’m just open an online store...need to get some sales
  7. Ice Cube KK

    Thinking about starting Shopify store...

    Hello BHW, I've been brainstorming a lot, and come to an idea - starting a Shopify store...The idea primary is to do affiliate item (Amazon etc.).Soo I won't have to deal with dropshipping and all other things, just to get my %, but I know the hardest part is to promote it, I'm on a tight...
  8. I

    Shopify-Can you help me?

    Hi I am an Italian young boy so sorry for my bad English. I created a store on Shopify and I find my dropshipers. My store sells product of skincare and my strategy is to contact IG influencers. I am not online but my store will be open about few days. This is my first experience so anyone can...
  9. Ice Cube KK

    Can I sell services on Shopify ?

    Hello there, again, looking for someone who knows stuff about Shopify, can I sell services like - SEO, Logo design, website design etc? Again big thanks, this forum is great. Sorry if this isn't right section