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serp scraper

  1. goodbye tobey

    is it worth starting a Saas for SERP scraping ?

    So I made few scripts that can scrape whatever data on search engines results like emails, phone numbers, names...... These scripts made me good amount of money when working for different clients (apprx 10). Now I'm thinking if I should start a micro Saas that implement those scripts and make...
  2. goodbye tobey

    [Giveaway] Targeted emails from SERPs - 1000 free leads

    I'm giving 1000 free targeted emails from SERPs. Drop a comment specifying the keywords (the more the better), preferably more than 5 related keywords you can also specify the geo location and your social media preferance (where you want your data scraped from like facebook, insta....). I'll...
  3. goodbye tobey

    How to monetize SERP scraping script ?

    I made a script that scrapes thousands of search engine results in no time and scrape leads from description, now I want to find a way to monetize the data scraped instead of just selling the script to others. what are the best ways to do so?
  4. goodbye tobey

    Reasonable price for SERP scraping script ?

    Hi all, I'm trying to figure out a good price for my python SERP scraping script that I coded with python. it uses proxies, supports multiple keywords and filters, also has keywords & domains blacklisting option. uses multi-threading so it's able to scrape thousands of leads in few minutes what...
  5. swathi sinha

    [Method] How to scrape SERP list with mozbar(Free).

    This feature might be familiar for you, but let me share it anyway. Also I am not sure if this has been posted here on BHW. You need mozbar + moz account signed into it (Free account does the job). First, search your desired keyword on google. Set the results per page to 100 if you want to...
  6. postcd

    Do yourself a favor - SERP scraper millions blogs

    Hi, I have big question which if you will solve, you will get too many blog backlinks. Questions is very simple: How to extract or what free tool to use to extract tens of thousands indexed blog posts. I mean on the google there are millions of blog posts indexed from hunderds of...