• On Wednesday, 19th February between 10:00 and 11:00 UTC, the forum will go down for maintenance. Read More


  1. 2

    Best alternative to Privacy.com in the U.S.?

    My account just got suspended because of a small mistake I made, and I want to find something similar. The other options I’ve found have higher fees, are prepaid cards (which I want to avoid, if possible), or both. I’m not looking to do ads or any blackhat activity, I just want someing similar...
  2. E

    Alternatives To Privacy.com? (to pay fb ads)

    Hey all! I'm looking for alternatives to Privacy.com for virtual credit cards to use for Facebook ads payments. Privacy's system would be ideal. I do have access to it. I'm communicating with support on a few things, but they've been unresponsive for almost a week now via email, and Twitter just...
  3. D

    Getting Privacy.com Account

    Hello there I am over 18 and would like to create a privacy.com account. Requirements: "We are currently available to US citizens or permanent residents who are 18 and older who are the account holders of a US checking account." Though I am not a US citizen and I don't own a US checking...
  4. Rana_Sid

    earn good amount of money

    i need privacy.com account.I will pay good amount of money.