porn reupload method

  1. Danny Crypto

    Still making money from adult video upload

    I am posting videos on small porn video sites and spamming a lot of them, videos stay for some time and generates views and clicks for me, in the end they pay me via ppl networks. I am going through the churn and burn process and still able to generate handsome income by a funnel designed by...
  2. Danny Crypto

    Porn reupload - Still making money for me - There is a chance for you guys too

    Hello all, I am still making money from porn reupload method as I have been doing it from last 5 years I know some ways and tricks which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. But in the end got the way which is consistent from last year and still making money for me. It can be automated too...
  3. J


    hello everyone, I have recently got into this and one needs to admit that it not easy! it is really confusing and 2020 is defo not the right time to get into this, however i m willing to persist.. i just need some advices and guidance please. It seems to me almost impossible to upload un...
  4. D

    Adult videos Reupload Journey

    Hi there guys some of you guys saw my other journeys ,so i was checking all my affiliate account whether i have such things and found out. I have only couple of videos uploaded some months back as it showed no conversions left it , Is it worth continuing ? I plan to upload couple of...
  5. Junior Albeiro

    The porn reupload method is dead?

    I tried this method, but I have not seen any gain, as I understand Xvideos only allows to upload 3 videos per day, and pornhub only 2, so my question is, is it still profitable to invest time in this method?, I'm a novice so I do not I know a lot of strategies, only what I read in the forums.
  6. nunuadc

    Porn ReUpload doubts and/or suggestions

    I've been a lurker for a year or so. Started studying instagram methods and created a test account on the literature niche, however, everything went better than expected and i formed a great community and got too attached, so i decided to keep that IG account for personal use, White Hat stuff...
  7. savobaby

    [Porn Re-Upload] Journey For Fun To Whatever Amount $

    Hey guys, long time poster and lurker on this forum. I have only ever focussed on the adult niche, mainly building websites and ranking them with SEO. I've done a bit of re-uploading before (mainly to promote my actual website), but this time I've decided to try this method out for the sole...
  8. ScribScribScrib

    Super Saiyan XVIDEOS + Porn-Reupload Guide - 1,072 Post Special

    Just a forewarning, for anyone thinking they'll break bank with this method, I've earned 140$ over the last three months utilizing chaturbate and crakrevenue. That's a pitiable amount for the elbow grease put into it (one and a half week of grunt work and a lot of tissues wasted) The good...