I'm new on Pinterest Affiliate Marketing, I just started less than one week, and I have some questions.
Why does everyone want to create their own landing page instead of directly using it from the Advertising Alliance or the company providing the ads?
What's the Pinterest policy about 301/302...
Hello, i have pinterest account with 8M/Monthly Viewer but i confused try any affiliate, because i cant make money from that, idk how this happen,
I have more 30k Pin on my account, all pin redirect to my blogger ( free web ) , and i set when open my blogger redirect to my affiliate link on...
Greetings all! Thank you for having me in your community. I have recently been educating myself via youtube and google search, social media and trial and error, about affiliate marketing on pinterest. I lost my job a couple months ago and no longer have a car so I have got to find money out of...
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