
  1. U

    Does Adsterra Really Pay?

    I’ve been using Adsterra for a while now and have legitimate traffic with no suspicious activities. I added PayPal as my payment method through Hyperwallet. My PayPal account is active, verified, has a good transaction history, and is in good standing. However, when I tried to withdraw, I was...
  2. Mampfred77

    TikTok E SIM Payout?

    I have used to run a Tiktok account using a tello E Sim and wanted to get back to it now again. Just this question came up to me, if I am a resident outside of the US how wouldI be able to payout any profits from the creator fund?
  3. N

    Paxum pending EFT withdraw

    Hi there, new here I wanted to ask if anyone ever witnessed a delay in getting their withdraws from paxum like upto 5 days or more, I've been using paxum for a year now and normally each time whenever I withdraw it's instant the longest it took was 9 hours the same day, but normal it takes about...
  4. C

    FAN(facebook ausience network) payout

    Hello Guys Is Anyone Here Tried Linking Fan (facebook audience network) Account With any banks like (Wise, Payoneer) .. Is It Working Have You Get Payment Without Any Problems Thanks,
  5. S

    Push ads - does the offer payout matters so much?

    Hi everyone! I'm new in affiliate marketing, now trying to get into push ads. I was wondering, in your opinion, does it make sense to look for offers with a large payout? Right now I have 2 converting LATAM dating offers, CV floating around 1:25 - 1:45 with 0.35 payout, which is probably good I...
  6. C

    What do you guys think about FileUpload ?

    I see that a lot of people are hosting their files on FileUpload . Is it really paying up to 6$ per install ? Did you get paid by this site ?
  7. MrT131

    I'm searching a CPA Network without a Tax Formular

    Hey BHW Members, i'm not living in the US and i want to make some money online with CPA Marketing. I tried OGAds and already made a few bucks but i realised i can't pay them out cause i have to fill a US tax form. So my question is : Is there a CPA Network that pays me with PayPal where i...
  8. MrT131

    I'm searching a CPA Network that pays me with Stripe

    Hey Guys, the tile says it all :)
  9. MrT131

    How does OGAds pay out?

    Hey Guys, i have a question about OGAds today : If i want to pay out my money that i earned with OGAds, which payment processors are available (example : paypal)?
  10. J

    Quick Payout High Ticket Offers

    I am looking for offers that pay quickly, within two weeks preferably, and also are high ticket ($50+ per lead/sale). Any recommendations are appreciated. Thanks
  11. getz

    My First 50$ From OGAds

    THANK YOU BHW! I DID IT! I started reading this forum on the summer of 2017. I took action on August 2017. I invested on IG + OGADS but that just did not work out for me (0.51$ for the first month / 2.02$ for the second month) (Invested about 30 USD for it). I tried Youtube + OGADS and that was...
  12. Danny Crypto

    CrakRevenue - Which mode of payment ?

    Hey BHW'ers, I want to know which mode of payment you people will suggest me from CrakRevenue options are :- - Paxum - Wire - Check (Cheque) Reply asap and share your stories of payout too.
  13. B

    After receive money through Stripe send to Payoneer (Europe)

    Hi, I would like to know if anyone of you from Europe linked the Stripe account with the Payoneer available bank accounts of Europe and US. Does it work?, the payments in Euros and Dollars are sent to the European (German) account. And if there is any problem with the payout, as when I set...
  14. prot0

    OGAds really low payout

    I'm having really low payouts with OGAds. I'm mainly getting conversions for Android App Installs, never got a PIN submit. Those are the countries I'm getting clicks from: Anyone has any tips to improve payout? I'm getting 0.18/0.34 US installs, that's really low. My traffic is 100%...
  15. Danny Crypto

    Best way for Indian to take your money from paxum ?

    Please help me out asap
  16. Danny Crypto

    Earned some dollars : CrakRevenue

    Hey BHW'ers, After a lot of reading and little investment online I made my first 80$ online :) But the thing is it's in CrakRevenue account and I have a Paxum account for it but I am having some doubts regarding paxum and or any other alternative you people can suggest me to get my money out...
  17. survivorghost

    Hi Guys (crakrevenue)

    so i just started affiliating with crack revenue, due to my lack of experience im having a hard time understanding some terms and abbreviations and most of all the differences between them and which one is better to choose. so here im confused about what payout type i should choose: CPI, CPM...
  18. M

    What alternatives are there for PayPal for selling on eBay?

    I literally just discovered that you can add an API for your eBay seller account to accept different providers instead of PayPal. What are the less strict lesser fees companies? Even if it cost a little more than PayPal it will be worth it to not need to deal with PayPal BS. Is that true? I...
  19. A

    Affiliate Networks with Fast Payouts and Low Minimum?

    Which affiliate networks have fast payouts and low minimum payouts? Share networks here please and also write what payout options they offer. Thanks!
  20. yassin lamtai

    what about

    hello everybody ! today im registring to with my youtube channel , and i have some questions : when freedom accept my channel ? after accepting my channel when i get paid , and what the min payout i have up to 1.000.000 vues + 2500 subscribes in my channel , what the max of benifit...