password protect

  1. dieulli

    Be careful with your data and which links you click!

    I see Nulled, BHW and cracked account logins in Logs all the time. It baffles me how even people that visit these forums manage to get all their passwords, cookies, personal data, device data, IP, real name, etc. leaked. People still use the same email and password for every single site. If you...
  2. Justinbullard

    My Gmail Password is Lost, Suggest Me Best Password recovery Tool

    Suggest Me Top 5 Password recovery tool. I'm try Password Armor Toll , this is best tool for recover Password, but i want more if available in Market
  3. umartins

    OneLogin has been hacked

    Do you use OneLogin password manager? If yes, then immediately change all your account passwords right now. OneLogin, the cloud-based password management and identity management software company, has admitted that the company has suffered a data breach. The company announced on Thursday that...
  4. Madruga

    What do you think about ?

    As I proposed to myself, this year I want to totally organize everything. I will talk about that in another thread and let you know something cool, but regarding to the title, which one of you uses and thinks that this is one of their "biggest discoveries"? :o I think I might stick...
  5. Optimator

    Logon Windows with password protection

    How do I login to a password protected Windows Vista machine? Not quite a BH question, but maybe someone know ;) Inb4 Use password -> I don't have the password, and it's not stolen ;)
  6. A

    How to require opt-in to watch a video

    I'm looking for advice here. Not sure this is considered black hat but I just want visitors to my site to be able to watch a few mins. of video then require they fill out an opt-in form. The video would then continue or I could send a password. It's a Joomla site if it makes a difference. Any...