
  1. Crytononame

    How to Actually Stay Anonymous When Dealing with Crypto and Fiat?

    Real crypto anonymity goes poof the second you try to buy Bitcoin or altcoins with fiat, or cash out back to real money. Your KYC info, which you give up when signing up on exchanges, instantly gets thrown into databases used by special tracking platforms. They immediately link it to your...
  2. natsuko

    Cryptocurrency fraud. How not to get in trouble with P2P trading.

    So much has happened in the last couple of months that new ways of cheating when exchanging money on exchanges have somehow passed me by.That's why we've collected all the popular old and a couple of new P2P trading scams. Triangle The scenario involves three people - a fraudster, a buyer and a...
  3. _griffin_

    P2P transaction

    Longs story short - I have some saving in crypto but fuck is a pain to take money out from my wallet to my pocket - cash. Currently in mexico. There is simply a lot of burden and fees just to move the money from my wallet to my bank account (US) + dont want to deal w administrative hazzle...
  4. UB1t0

    Why i am here

    hello every one i am new to this amazing comunity, i am into passive income on the insternet i am intersted in p2p trading on bybit, i choosed USDT EURO as a pair to work on. currently i am having lots of issues using neobanks that supports euro transactions
  5. Harry_X

    Binance P2P is a Scam. Which P2P platforms are safe for exchanging crypto to INR?

    I have been using Binance P2P for the past two years, but during this time, seven of my accounts were frozen because sellers repeatedly sent me money from fraudulent sources. As a result, my accounts were locked, and all debit and credit transactions were paused. In India, most people rely on...
  6. F

    Looking for people to help promote merchant account on ByBit, paying from 3% to 7%

    Looking for people to help promote merchant account on ByBit, interested in long-term cooperation, I pay from 3% to 7%, for all questions write to me in DM, I will explain everything in more detail, there is nothing complicated in it, everyone who is familiar with ByBit will be able to earn DM...
  7. F

    Bybit scammed me via P2P

    Hello, Today I was frustrated about Bybit which I think that they scammed me for 1 100 USDT. Few weeks ago I done small P2P transactions and everything was Okay. Today I needed some money urgently in my wise, So I decided to sell my 1100 USDT to GBP. I see one buyer wich accept wise and...
  8. RealTraffic1

    [Method] How I make another X,XXX$ profit every month on my SMM business.

    Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with any site I'm going to share here, I'm not making a single penny from sharing this method. In order to run some services on my site I need to buy large amounts of traffic every single day. most of the traffic networks we work with accept / give bonus on WISE...
  9. menSA47

    My Journey to $50/Day with crypto arbitrage.

    Hello guys, this is the start of my new journey here so a little background about me: I am a guy that always works things on the side on the internet I worked as a designer, reskin apps, Smma, got into crypto, and nfts in 2022 made good revenue while studying and learning Skills along the way...
  10. Otman Novovic

    Where to buy USDT at a cheap price?

    Hey, I live in a country where cryptocurrencies are illegal and the only way to buy them using P2P on Binance and the local sellers take this opportunity to skyrocket the USDT price honestly I can't afford those prices and I would love if I can get USDT at the there original price thank you <3
  11. mstapha999

    Any possible Instant payment gateways for SaaS, SMM website ?

    Hello Friends. I have a SaaS, SMM business where i sell a bunch of optimization services for social media pages and websites SEO. Unfortunately stripe is not available in my country, not only that but it also doesn't suit my cashflow strategy as Stripe holds payments for more than a week. I am...
  12. JVRZ

    Thoughts on P2P lending?

    I recently came across the concept of P2P lending when I saw a platform called Mintos. Have any of you used this platform or P2P in general? I was thinking of playing around with it and adding it to my porftolio of investments (mostly stocks, some crypto and some P2P) I am 18 so my time horizon...
  13. ryalistikbalzac

    [$5500 monthly Goal - 2020] Step 1 : $55/month - Amazon - Authority blog - Investments and more

    Hello fellows, First of all I have to say that I'm not an English native speaker / writer. I'll do my best to explain and understand as I can. My goal is to make a living from webmarketing and projects. $5500 a month would be great. 5000 € in my currency. I'll see after reaching it. I have...
  14. S

    Torrent and P2P File Sharing Protocol

    What Is The History Of Torrent? The credit of developing the first torrent goes to programmer Bram Cohen – an application of BitTorrent customer on 2nd July 2001, now taken care of by BitTorrent, Inc.! All the versions earlier to December 2001 were without a license, written in Python and were...
  15. W

    Newb* Entrepreneur at a snag

    long story short i have an innovative idea to launch a unique and innovative p2p lending platform, cant get funding..tried EVERYTHING, need a co-founder, need a platform developed..yada yada yada. no this isnt just another dumbass with some idea he thinks is genious. it actually has huge...
  16. N

    Can you still make money with HitLeap?

    I've accumulated a couple thousand HitLeap points and trying to figure out how to monetize them. I read some of the old posts and it seems like using ****** or AdSense will just result in me getting banned. Do you have any other recommendations on how I can make a little extra money?
  17. V

    i need script similar to grabr.io

    script similar to grabr.io, p2p delivery, thanks
  18. C

    Is there p2p software exsist for SEO, that auto google's keywords and click desired link?

    I just assumed this software would exist so I thought I would ask here: In google's algorithm one of the variables are the amount of clicks a link gets after a particular set of keywords. So each 'click' is like a 'vote' Example: So if i type "seo forum website" in google and then someone...
  19. X

    $120/2 Days! | The Extended Guide | Torrents & RelatedOffers | Noob-Friendly

    Finally, its time to share the extended guide of the $120 in 2 days system! Some of you may have read my previous thread in which I (tried) to explain step-by-step how to make money from torrents and related offers. In this extended guide, I will try to go in-depth on how to create/upload and...
  20. Aare

    Any alternative to marketbay?

    Hi, Since marketbay removed theyr direct "signup" style landers for P2p traffic the conv % has dropped alot. Are there any alternatives that allow linking from p2p website straight to step1 of purchasing rather than theyr own lander in between?