making money from instagram

  1. S

    [Instagram] Help Me Reach My Goal!

    I Have Instagram Page Of 104k (Couples Niche) And In 2 Month I Wanna Make $3k From It, I Am Charging $15 For One Shoutout But I Don't Usually Get People To Buy My Shoutouts. Can Someone Please Help Me How Can I Sell More And More Shoutouts And Make $3k In Two Month? Even If I Sell 200 Shoutouts...
  2. ThePlugMichael

    Paid For My First Ever IG Promotion

    Hello BHW, i own an Instagram account with 2.4k followers (if you've seen my other post you know what account i'm talking about) even though i only have 2,400 followers nearly all my posts get onto the explore page and rank high in the hashtags. Recently I've promoted a small brand and even...