• On Wednesday, 19th February between 10:00 and 11:00 UTC, the forum will go down for maintenance. Read More


  1. 1SEOWarrior

    Don't be emotional!

    They say, but emotion is what life is. What do you say?
  2. bbrokeaf

    i’m fucked

    My life has gone to complete shit in the last year. I got neurodegenerative disease (ruined my life), lost my job, got bad credit, have nothing to my name and to top it off i’m being psychologically tortured by government federal agents. The lengths they go through to extract information makes...
  3. sweepet

    is it so hard to earn $10 per day?

    I am in Venezuela, a very third world country, with economic problems, living is difficult, or rather, living happily is difficult. You can get a job that allows you to generate enough income to eat (enough to not die) but that's about it. Forget about leisure time, forget about money for things...
  4. 1SEOWarrior

    The initial thoughts upon waking play a crucial role in shaping your emotional state for the day.

    The first thing you remember after waking up often sets the tone for your sadness or happiness. What do you think?
  5. 1SEOWarrior

    Are you hanker after Instant gratification?

    Now is the time when we don't have much time to get what we want. Whatever we want we want it real fast. But it has real long term consequences. Do you think the same?
  6. 1SEOWarrior

    Earth is becoming harsh, and its inhabitants are becoming rude.

    Day by day, I am experiencing more inhuman behavior from humans, as if they have just come to grab something and flee, without any regard for others or the consequences of their actions. Share your experience, Do you feel the same?
  7. T

    is it too late to turn life at 25 years old ?

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I wanted to share my situation. I liked the forum and people here so created an account to post I'm 25 years old totally broke with basic knowledge in different fields, living with my parents. I feel like I've hit rock bottom and I'm...
  8. 1SEOWarrior

    Having a watch in your hand is crucial need. What do you say?

    I find it very much tough to realise it. Do you think having a watch will save your time? Time (read life) is limited. So we should use it concisely. Having a watch will surely help. Do you agree? #PhilosophyofLife #life #time #Philosophy
  9. avtrttt

    What is more important - time or money?

    Hi people, Part 1: Sorry for my English but I don't want to use a translator and prefer to try do it with all words that I have in me head) Part 2: A few days ago I was driving a car and I thought about the time that I am spending at working (12-16 hours/7 day a week). I am affiliate and...
  10. ad2007

    Meaning of Life...

    Hey all, I don't know where I read this text about the life but it was mind blowing for me so I wanted to share it with you too, hope you like it. :)...
  11. l0cke


    If you had access to a time machine WHEN and WHERE would you go? Hit a like and drop your comments
  12. tattooedbuddha

    [GUIDE] How to 10X Your Productivity - Get Less DISTRACTED and Become HYPERFOCUSED

    (all images in the thread are made by me, feel free to download and use them.) This guide will tell you how to focus your attention and increase your productivity Basically, a guide on getting shit done. Does any of this apply to you? You get distracted easily You endlessly refresh pages in a...
  13. l0cke

    Whom would you choose : A Small kid or a Billionaire

    Incase If you get a chance to exchange your life currently, with whom would you exchange : A small kid? or a Billionaire ? I would choose a small kid because everything they see & gain is only love. So we could do anything for that life. You can give your own thoughts also... Hit like if...
  14. Qquuinn

    Thank You, BlackHatWorld!!! (an appreciation thread)

    TL;DR AT BOTTOM AS ALWAYS If you read my urgent advice needed and my learning to enjoy the sun threads, hi again! Before, I was quite concerned on whether or not I would end up in a precarious situation. I was able to earn a sizable amount of money, but I decided against a car. Primarily...
  15. seelyaftini

    Why do people not succeed despite having access to everything they need in the current world? I need a convincing answer, not a simple one!!

    I know some answers but I still don't understand because currently I just gotten started working online and I see everything is available that sometimes not sometimes always make me fail, because I think why everything is available on the internet and I still see people complaining and working...
  16. K

    While there is life there is hope.

    I can make it through the rain. I can stand up once again on my own.
  17. M

    3500$ income in your own company or 3000$ salary working for someone else?

    What will you choose and why. 3500$ income on average working for yourself or 3000$ salary working for someone else?
  18. Sartre

    Where's your dream place to live? Looking to move soon

    We're 3 years in the Canary Islands for now, and while the weather is nice, there are not a lot of big city opportunities here, shipping takes ages (sometimes up to 2 months), and it feels like a village, in general. The place went pretty much dead since COVID and never revived. Money is not an...
  19. Sartre

    Just wanted to say cheers to you guys and I love this forum. Having a minor surgery tomorrow and I'm feeling paranoid.

    Bless y'all and I will be here back tomorrow evening to say everything is good. And, before you ask, yes it's a nut thing.
  20. TomTheCat

    When Karma hits you...

    As a reminder for those that do adult business, whatever this means, or any other type of business, just read the damn Terms of Service / Privacy Policies so your hosting / business won't have any issues. Those are there for a reason!