
  1. C

    Need suggestions for lawyers against stripe ban

    Hello, my stripe got banned and blacklisted due to high chargebacks. I’ve seen that lawyers work, but I can’t seem to find one I can trust. I need someone who can unban me and be paid after unban. Can you name me your suggestions for lawyers who got your stripe banned?
  2. tomekpoland

    top3 for lawyer 2023, google maps

    hello whole previous year my client was in top3 on google maps (lawyer in middle sized city, about 100.000 citizens, eastern europe) since last month we are 4th :( what to do fast? we what is strongest factor / tool ? thx tom
  3. mysteriousmarissa

    Where's your f'ing PATIENCE Mr. Lawyer!?

    ***UPDATED**** SORRY FOR MESSY POST EARLIER* :eek: I am surrounded by attorneys daily and the firm director wants ROI faster than I dream of genie can wiggle her freaking nose on nick at night. I have been spending so many unpaid hours (overtime) for a firm director who does marketing for 6...
  4. A

    How to make money with Lawyer related websites?

    Hey all, I started these 3 lawyer websites 3 years ago for fun and didn't work that much on them except adding some basic content once in a while. Anyways, I've been receiving law-related questions from people who think that it's actually a legitimate law site... I get about 1-2 questions per...