instagram privacy

  1. N

    Instagram Privacy

    Hello, I am interested in a few things about instagram privacy. I saw one channel on the video service, I will not name it, where the owner posts instagram stories of celebrities. Mostly the stories are positive and informative, so I wonder if this is allowed. The channel is linked to...
  2. Cosmix

    Need help with proxies for Instagram

    Hello, I run a Sass product which is an Instagram bot which most of you are probably pretty familiar with. I am starting to get more users however I have yet to setup and proxies. I have the ability for users to setup their own proxies, but I doubt they are. I don't want my main digitalocean...
  3. DLthis

    How can I control who is INVITED to FOLLOW me on Instagram

    I am new. I am thick skinned. I can take criticism. I can also take advice, and from what I can tell (after searching the web for Instagram forums), I may have found the right place to ask my question. Thank you in advance! Background: As I understand Instagram, people are triggered to follow...
  4. DLthis

    Brand new and searching for answers regarding Instagram Privacy issues.

    I discovered this site searching for answers to protecting privacy within Instagram. I just posted a new Thread on the topic. About me - Retired and searching for ways to manage multiple IG accounts from my home that will never be entwined with my personal life.