facebook likejacking 2014

  1. shezboy

    FB Like Jacking Ninja V4 (2016 Edition) - Get Free Facebook Likes To Your Pages And Sites

    If you have any questions then please post them in this thread so the question and answer can be read by other BHW members. I am unable to provide support via this thread or PM's. We have a dedicated support desk at http://webuildtools.com/helpdesk/ so if you require support with setting up or...
  2. shezboy

    BlackHat FaceBook Like Jacker For Getting Likes (Approved)

  3. D

    New 2014 likejacking script method?

    Hi Guys, I'm following your forum for a couple of years now, even though i never posted anything. Your informations always revealed awesome and i found a lot of useful tips. I decided to post now, because something weird happened, something i really don't understand yet. Last night my facebook...