
  1. Dim001

    [ ACTIVE ] LinkedIn Endorsement & Connection Exchange

    This thread is for those looking to exchange and build up their Endorsements and Connections REQUIREMENTS TO PARTICIPATE: 1. Must have minimum 50+ Connections 2. Profile must be genuine and active (No fakes / No Bots ) How This works? Follow Below Steps ;) 1. Post on this thread |...
  2. Z

    Linkedin endorsement exchange

    Hi all, I'm available for endorsement exchanges on linkedin. PM me
  3. seoxz

    Need an Endorsement review

    For each each endorsement review you will get $1 for buying the product and than placing the review will give you $5 for each review.
  4. seoxz

    Simple Task

    I need endorsements on a website coming from different ips and macs on a website. More details will be provided via personal message looking to get atleast a 100 dont have a big budget but with the right pricing might go for more. Please also suggest if you have any alternative in mind. Thanks
  5. KartikJha

    [Help] Endorse all skills on 1 profile

    There are a lot of tools and scripts to endorse "all" skills across "all" connections. Did anyone come across a script/tool/extension that instead endorse only 1 connection's skills?
  6. KartikJha

    Any javascript code to endorse all skills to a connected LinkedIn profile page?

    Any javascript code to endorse all skills to a connected LinkedIn profile page?
  7. Lebowskii

    LinkedIn Recommendation & Endorsements - New 2017 - Real Profiles only

    Hey everyone, Half of the people in the previous posts seem inactive. So i am starting a new exchange thread. Requirements: A real Linkedin profile with pic and bio 200+ connections Send a PM if you are up for exchanging :) and please, connect with eachother. Lets do this!