downloads affiliate

  1. TheSmartLink - Smartlink & CPA Network: VOD/Downloads/eBooks/Sports and more | Direct Advertisers | Global Coverage

    We are glad to present you The Smartlink affiliate network! It has been more than a year since we, having vast experience in the multimedia verticals, decided to create an affiliate network using many years of experience and exclusive conditions from direct advertisers. We monetize such...
  2. David AffForce - Multimedia Affiliate Program (Movies/Downloads/Sports/eBooks)

    AffForce Celebrates 7 Years in Business! | MultiMedia Affiliate Program AffForce is a exclusive affiliate program which converts multimedia traffic into profit with exclusive converting offers. Every affiliate application is reviewed in depth for approval. We have a number of in house offers...
  3. KrookedWarden

    Tips for monetizing downloads?

    Hello everyone, Tl;DR: I am looking for methods to generate revenue from the downloading of files from my website. I am currently building a website that has a large repository of files for download, over 15,000+ (not adult). I am looking for advice on the best way to monetize these downloads...
  4. blackma

    Reliable downloads website based somewhere outside US?

    I need a downloads site that I can upload some copyrighted files to that is in a country that does not give a damn about copyright infringement? Love, blackma
  5. blackma

    Reliable downloads website based somewhere outside US?

    I need a downloads site that I can upload some copyrighted files to that is in a country that does not give a damn about copyright infringement? Like a website that has it's servers located in malaysia or the moon or soemwhere? Love, blackma
  6. A

    need someone that can get people to download my free software bundle from my site

    hi all, i am looking for someone that is able to get downloads of our free software bundle from our page the bundle is adult smiles for msn and also a sexy video and pic's the page is topline2u com you can gain downloads by sending people to the page or we can give you the bundle to promote...