buy jr vip

  1. GringoMonkey

    Jr VIP Renewal Issue that Closes Sales Threads!

    About 1 week in advance of my Jr Vip expiring I receive a reminder from @Diamond Damien which is fair enough. I raised a support ticket and was told I cannot actually renew it until after it expires. So there will be a period where I will not be a Jr Vip. But when Jr Vip expires all my sales...
  2. Infamous Nik

    Is it necessary to give my real name and address to register for Jr VIP?

    Is it necessary to give my real name and address to register for Jr VIP or I can use my username as name and any fake address?
  3. Savvy Rose

    What are the benefits to buy Jr.Vip?

    Curious about this and wanted to know about this.