
  1. B

    Breaking this frame breaker script

    <script>if(self != top){top.location.replace(window.location.href)}</script> I've done lots of research and tried to solve this on my own, but to no avail. Supposedly this is a fairly basic method for breaking an iframe, and there are several workarounds posted. I've tried them all, and none...
  2. mystery

    Anti iFrame Breaker Script - Anyone?

    Hey, does anyone know of a good anti-iframe breaker script?
  3. H

    PHP Captcha Bypass?

    I am working on a project and I am in a need of a PHP captcha bypasser, if there is such a thing. I know PHP has various image functions, but I don't know where to begin. Of course, it would be much easier to send a get/post request to an external source such as a website and provide the...