
  1. O

    Is there Wordpress Image Auto Blogging/Post Plugin ?

    Is there a plugin out there for wordpress that can rip images from a url and then upload them to your site and post them with a desired "Post Title" you assign before hand ? If so which is best one for that ? Never used any autoblog/post stuff before. For my scenario here I don't really care...
  2. M

    [HOW To] Rip Posts From 9gag damnlol etc For $$ ?

    Hello, I have access to Social traffic interested on funny pics, videos etc. I'm looking for some "Autoblogger" that Rips content from 9gag, damnlol and that sort of site, onto my site. I'll be setting up an identical site, with Adsense/CPA (i'll test to see which conv% the better) been...
  3. B

    How to parse youtube rss feed link

    Hi, I'm trying for 1 week to make a video autoblogger using bloggertube theme from Dante Araujo and autoblog samurai, however youtube rss feed only give me the rss link to the video with "&feature=youtube_gdata" after the video id. Therefore Bloggertube will not retrieve a thumbnail from that...
  4. R

    How to route the pages in Autoblog posts

    Can any one please help me how to route autoblog posting. For example I have a blog site and I have created posts by wo-matic plugin but the posts should go as per category wise and page wise. I have pages like "News", "New Video" "Celebrity". So, How could route posts in appropriate pages. I...