article attribution

  1. Raygh

    FRC Unavailable [FREE REVIEW COPY - 1000 ARTICLES ] - ️ | Experience a New Horizon of Artificial Intelligence in Content Creation - Probably the Best

    To approve our offer for the Marketplace you have the possibility to gain our Top Level Service Package (1000 HIGH QUALITY AI ARTICLES) --> FOR FREE The Normal Price for this would be 4,290$ even on Blackhat. The Package will be given only one time and we pick the member. Tester Requirements...
  2. srj18

    Any Suggestion for Top Article Submission Sites to Get Backlinks

    Hi, Please suggest me some best websites to submit quality articles to get links back on my blog.
  3. J

    I have the resources in place to write over 300 quality articles a day. Now what?

    My marketing company works with 150 college interns here in the states on a semesterly basis. I have been in affiliate marketing for a while but I am very new to article writing. I believe I can leverage my interns to come up with timely quality articles. But I dont know much about the...
  4. Y

    Need Article marketing Partner!

    Hello everyone here! I am looking for 2 or 3 partners in my Article marketing journey. I am very busy with my university and article submission seems to be so suck to me. so I gonna find a partner to handle this task. I am able to give your around 20/30 article that is manually spun from an...
  5. snowflys

    Do links show for articles once they are duplicates?

    :cat3:When articles are listed in articles directories, after a webmaster uses the article on his website, the article is no longer considered an original article when the next webmaster shows it on his website. Are the links with the article still counted then by google? Is it then considered...
  6. fakeplastictrees

    Caffeinated Content - remove attribution?

    I removed the attribution part from my templates in the articles template. Do you think this is a problem and I should put it back in? I've noticed a few hits to my site from I don't want to get a cease and desist letter, or worse! Sidenote, anyone having problems...