article 13

  1. ensky

    How Many Articles Do you Prepare Before Publish the Site?

    Recently I got one point, before publishing your website, prepare at least 40 articles. The steps are: 1. Write at least 40 articles, and post them on the website. 2. After 40 posts are done, then change the robots.txt file, enable the Google Index, and submit the sitemap to Google Search...
  2. crissdinesh

    Article 13 passed in Europe

    Hey BHW! What’s your take on this? How will it affect Bloggers and YouTubers of other countries? It still requires final approval by the European Council on April 9.
  3. peachseo

    What is Article 13

    Anyone can explain what is Article 13 according to the EU Law?
  4. MajTechReview

    Article 13 - End of Internet

    The corrupt EU government just voted positive on article 13. Let's stop this, sign every petition, call everyone involved and get #SaveYourInternet trending on Twitter etc, as this could potentially be the end of YouTube in Europe and so on.. if we don't fight back! go go go...
  5. Freevy

    What do you think about new art 13?It will change internet as we know it?

    Hey, I want to know if you guys know anything about this law, i can't explain good in english, so i will copy paste some things from a source. The European Parliament Legal Affairs Committee Voted for the Article 13 #CensorshipMachine: What Happens Next? #SaveYourInternet Zeroes and Heroes...