adwords vcc

  1. L

    SwiftPayCard VCC Doesn't Work for AdWords

    Just spent $150 on this reloadable card for Google AdWords and it doesn't work, AdWords doesn't accept it with the message: "we do not accept prepaid credit cards". Of course they do accept certain cards, just not this one particularly. So for anyone looking up whether the reloadable...
  2. digitalgeckos

    VCC Online Advertising/Activating ahrefs/netflix/amazon prime,Activating Amazon SES + AWS

    What we offer! 1. VCC Refillable (Can be recharged on request and can be paid to the same merchant without any problems) 2. Disposable VCC (can pay the same merchant without problems) 3. Our cards are VISA and MASTER CARD What are they good for? 1. Checking online accounts 2. Pay and buy...
  3. C

    Need VCC for Adwords

    i have issue in verifying my billing in adwords and sometimes it suspend due to payment i am looking for a VCC seller who provides working vcc for adwords. Any best adword vcc provider? .Thanks
  4. S

    Which vcc we can use for adword in India

    Which vcc works in AdWords in India I am new to CPA,paid money via net banking but acout got suspended and money didn't refund till now waiting Can anyone guide how to use vcc ,and when account get suspend it refund remaining balance to our account back or not .
  5. Akhil9925

    Manual Vcc Payments Are Working But Not Getting Refund If Its Gotta Baned

    Hi Mates Last Time I Used An Vcc To Add Money in My Adwords Mcc But After Succesful Payments Its Suspended By My Mistake I Opened It In Blacklisted Ip But Now I Requested For Refund In 2nd Payment Method But Till Am Not Getting It Adwords Support Team Is Saying That it is Processed And Will Be...
  6. Akhil9925

    Adwords Working Vccs

    I Have Some Working Vccs In Adwords i used them in my account (New Accounts) will they passed through the review ? i am using my own address as a billing address cz vccs hav no billing. Will they pass from billing review ?
  7. SeoArrowLTD

    VCC MasterCard for Bing Ads - Adwords Ads - LinkedIn Ads - Twitter Ads

    You can use it freely. Only first 4 that will explicit ask for them will receive those 4 VCC. If you don't know how to use it feel free to contact me on PM or skype if it is allowed.